The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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My reason for not getting the vaccine are i never get sick i have never had a flu shot i dont have a social life my job doesnt put me in close contact with people my immune system is fine all on its own I live in a rural setting and I live in a country that tells me I can do what I want with my body the fact that i dont trust the shot is the last on a long list of reasons for me
My reason for not getting the vaccine are i never get sick i have never had a flu shot i dont have a social life my job doesnt put me in close contact with people
wow this actually made me sad.

when covid lockdowns happened, i switched from flying commercial to flying private because i refused to stop doing things i enjoyed, both pre and post vaccine

i agree with you fully about the country we live in, though.
How long until all the vaccinated people should die from heart attacks and whatnot? I don't know anyone who has died from the vaccine. Everyone I know who died was unvaccinated. How long does it take for the adverse reactions to surface?
great question and i don’t know the answer.

id also like to see the cases of heart attacks and other serious side effects after vaccinations cross referenced with the health of the patient. ive got a gut feeling that people having serious side effects were profoundly unhealthy before getting the vaccine.
That's 223+ million people risking their lives, IMO.
Hmmm, yet they are all alive.

governmental expiriment.
Experiment?? Right, the governments of EVERY country in the world have gotten together and decided to experiment on 7 billion people. And for what reason may I ask?

So I'm the murderer?
I don't understand.
If someone dies because you transmitted a highly infectious disease without taking precautions, yes.

So are all the ones that took the vaccines.
Wait, I'm DEAD?? Why didn't anyone tell me??? I was LUCKY to be born when I was instead of a few years earlier. Ever hear of polio? There was no vaccine until 1955. Thanks to the vaccine polio no longer exists "in the wild" in the USA and most of the rest of the world.

"Sixty years ago, polio was one of the most feared diseases in the U.S.

As the weather warmed up each year, panic over polio intensified. Late summer was dubbed "polio season." Public swimming pools were shut down. Movie theaters urged patrons not to sit too close together to avoid spreading the disease. Insurance companies started selling polio insurance for newborns.

The fear was well grounded. By the 1950s, polio had become one of the most serious communicable diseases among children in the United States.

In 1952 alone, nearly 60,000 children were infected with the virus; thousands were paralyzed, and more than 3,000 died. Hospitals set up special units with iron lung machines to keep polio victims alive. Rich kids as well as poor were left paralyzed."
Polio link

If 60,000 infections, thousands of cases of paralysis and 3,000 dead in 1 year was enough to cause serious concern, and a rush to get the vaccine when it came out, what do you consider 750,000 dead in < 2 years?

Plenty of vaccines came out too late for me, one was the chickenpox vaccine. If you are aware of shingles, it is the SAME virus which lives in the spinal column of people who had chickenpox. They weren't giving the existing shingles vaccine to "young" people like me (< 60) when I got shingles. Having shingles ranks in the top two most painful experiences of my life to date. I have NO desire to repeat that experience and yes I HAVE had the two Shringrix shots ... last year. I would have gotten them sooner but there was a serious supply shortage. That happens when things are in demand.

Um, yes it will. Because I will be alive, and I won't be paralyzed, have heart conditions, or possibly die.
Unless you get one of those severe cases of Covid. I hope you are staying away from EVERYONE since there is no way to tell who might be breathing out Covid.

I've avoided it just fine so far, lol.
Key words "so far". All the people who ended up in the hospital or the morgue avoided it ... until they didn't. How about the long haulers, they avoided it just fine until they didn't as well. Ask any of them if they think their lives have been enhanced by Covid.
Hmmm, yet they are all alive.
May I ask, do you work in a hospital or medical facility?
Do you see people die, and WHY they are dying? Because I do. And there have been many cases where patients got really sick after getting the vaccine. Some even died. So please don't assume that they are all alive if you really don't know.
great question and i don’t know the answer.

id also like to see the cases of heart attacks and other serious side effects after vaccinations cross referenced with the health of the patient. ive got a gut feeling that people having serious side effects were profoundly unhealthy before getting the vaccine.
My grandfather died of sepsis a couple of months after getting it. He was healthy before that.
May I ask, do you work in a hospital or medical facility?
Do you see people die, and WHY they are dying? Because I do. And there have been many cases where patients got really sick after getting the vaccine. Some even died. So please don't assume that they are all alive if you really don't know.
you have your own thread now. none of us have come over there and disrupted your little kumbaya feelings party.

kindly stay on your side of the fence.
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