The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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you don’t want to play that game.

She'll stand behind pointing out grammatical errors because she's got nothing better to do.
Loosen up y'all. I'm only here because I find this all quite ridiculous.
I mean, a vaccine thread on a chicken forum? C'mon, who actually takes this stuff seriously?
I'm not going to stay here and argue, but I will state my case:

I got the COVID vaccine, by choice, because I am young and healthy and wouldn't be affected by the vaccine any more than I would be affected by COVID. I consider it my civil duty to vaccinate myself to help protect those who can't get a vaccine because of an underlying health condition, or because of cancer, or any other reason that they can't control. These are also the people at the most risk of COVID. I think that by doing my part in taking a step toward herd immunity, I am helping those who cannot protect themselves in the same way that I can.

I am also of the opinion that if you dislike the government in your country, then you should move to another country- that seems much more productive to me than complaining. If my family didn't like the United States government, we would move to Canada, or maybe England or somewhere else in Europe.
I'm not going to stay here and argue, but I will state my case:

I got the COVID vaccine, by choice, because I am young and healthy and wouldn't be affected by the vaccine any more than I would be affected by COVID. I consider it my civil duty to vaccinate myself to help protect those who can't get a vaccine because of an underlying health condition, or because of cancer, or any other reason that they can't control. These are also the people at the most risk of COVID. I think that by doing my part in taking a step toward herd immunity, I am helping those who cannot protect themselves in the same way that I can.

I am also of the opinion that if you dislike the government in your country, then you should move to another country- that seems much more productive to me than complaining. If my family didn't like the United States government, we would move to Canada, or maybe England or somewhere else in Europe.
well said on all points.

i’m a big believer in changing your situation if you’re unhappy.
I type too fast and my fingers are too fat for the little screen. I end up typing all sorts of randomness. Thank goodness my autocorrect knows me well. I'm much better om the keyboard.
My phone has chosen some horribly embarrassing sentences in the past... Some of them I've been sorely tempted to let fly.
yup. i know what i said and stand by it.
Except now that thread no longer exists. So, anyone wishing to question the mandate or express concerns regarding the vaccine must open themselves to attack and abuse in the only threads allowed.

I find it terribly sad that civil discourse and courtesy are so hard to find, even with sensitive topics such as these.
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