The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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i don’t believe Trains was replying to Dobie. the comment was directed at someone who has resorted to correcting grammar as a last grasp because they couldn’t make a decent argument.


if you’re gonna try making other people feel stupid, at least be grammatically correct.
Why is this thread allowed? But a thread for the unvaccinated got locked almost right away? I just saw a post on THIS thread telling the unvaccinated to go start there own thread. I've seen us try multiple times to get ourselves a thread for the unvaccinated....... It's simply not fair. And I know if I talk about it I'll get in trouble....please just let me get an answer :hmm
Why is this thread allowed? But a thread for the unvaccinated got locked almost right away? I just saw a post on THIS thread telling the unvaccinated to go start there own thread. I've seen us try multiple times to get ourselves a thread for the unvaccinated....... It's simply not fair. And I know if I talk about it I'll get in trouble....please just let me get an answer :hmm
this question has been asked and answered. scroll up and find the answer for yourself.
Why is this thread allowed? But a thread for the unvaccinated got locked almost right away? I just saw a post on THIS thread telling the unvaccinated to go start there own thread. I've seen us try multiple times to get ourselves a thread for the unvaccinated....... It's simply not fair. And I know if I talk about it I'll get in trouble....please just let me get an answer :hmm
I would also like to ask (kindly) that if it's about people's emotional health, why is this thread still open? There is very clearly on both sides stress, defensiveness, anger, so on and so on. I'm not trying to hate on people, but I don't really understand.
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