The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Covid is hardly bad anyway!! My brother and sis got it and they were FINE! Just seems like a panic over nothing...
Over FIVE MILLION people are dead world wide from Covid. They are not fine. Yes, SOME people have mild cases. Others DIE. Not getting vaccinated is a gamble with your own life and a gamble you will infect others, who will die because of you. Those are the facts.
Also, if Covid is so "genuine', why would the Australian government breach its OWN laws just to force a 'safe' vaccine on people??

2015 biosecutity act section 92.

And also, you win $1,000,000 if you get one....??? why is that not the case with just buying a panadol... or a flu vaccine...... (Maybe because this vaccine isn't safe and they want to bribe you in getting it!!)
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