The 2nd Ban the person above you!

I ban you for being WRONNNG!
Well, it isn't bad... BUT, I ban you for thinking it'd be nice to visit here! We have terrorist all thru the end of April to the beginning of May just to look at TULIPS! Oh yah.... not kidding. Serious Dutch... It is nice though. Especially when I stay away from the parades!
Oh trust me, I know the feeling. I live in a place with tons TONS of Amish people, so there are tons of people slowlyyyyyy driving around, stopingggg all the time.... Seeing annoying Horse & Buggy ride signs by people who aren't even Amish, and all of the tourist can't even say Amish right! I could go on, and on, and on...

EDIT: I ban you for not having been a member as long as me, but have wayyy more posts than I.
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