The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Will it eat or drink on its own, or is unable because it falls over? You can try the sav a chick, might need to use an eyedropper to feed it. If its wry neck the baby vitamins is the treatment I know of that might work. You can search for other treatments. Also, since it recently hatched it should be able to live off it's yolk, so maybe someone else will see it and have another idea.

No it won't...I've been giving her a couple drops of sav a chick, but she starts clicking as soon as she takes some.

I would tape those little legs down. It looks like it is actually doing pretty good moving around like it is. Those legs want to be .. up! Take them like you would a splayed leg. Put her in a cup for a full day, then take the tape off, see how she's doing. If she isn't flaying all around, but doing the paddle walk..on the bum..then she will get the hang of walking..that's if, it's just a leg problem I really am not sure I see a neck problem. ??

I tried that. She flies forward in the cup, even when I brace the front of her with paper towels...her feet flying upwards kicks anything I use to brace her upright out of the way. Stinker.

What I'm seeing is it's head tucked down into its chest causing it to roll over, it's head/neck just doesn't look right to me, the head isn't lifted up.

That is correct. She won't straighten her neck, it flies forward. I can see her struggle to try to right her neck briefly, then it flies forward again.
MontanaDolphin...are you close to a drug store or even a grocery store you could run to and puck up some PolyViSol without iron?

Nope...closest store is 30 minutes. Wouldn't matter anyway...I can't drive once the sun goes down (night blindness). I'll get some first thing in the morning.
I haven't been able to keep up reading this I skipped ahead and and will go back to read everything when I can.
Lost of hatching out there! Congratulations everyone and hope you all had a Blessed and wonderful Easter!
Since last Wednesday (day 19 for all of my shipped eggs) I've hatched 16 chicks...but I have 4 more of my backyard birds eggs still in the incubator on day 20...I set 36 for the HAL, but took 5 more out at lockdown due to blood rings or clears. I am very bummed about the Birchens...I will have to get more and try again. I am thrilled about the Speckled Sussex.
of the chicks I did hatch,
9 are Speckled Sussex (out of 11 viable at lockdown)
1 is Silver Birchen Maran (out of 7 at lockdown but honestly they were so dark, I just couldn't tell. 4 are still in there, hoping that someone is just late.)
1 is Lav or light blue Ameraucana
2 are Black Copper Marans
2 are Wheaten Marans
1 is a dark backyard mix baby

So the rest will be our backyard mixed babies, unless these shipped egg that are on day 22 surprise me.
and 1 just hatched now...a wet silvery colored baby.
So that makes 17.

Anyone with Silver Birchen Marans, pls PM me. I want more eggs.

Pics to follow...
but here is what we did last night... and today we were at church, worked outside in the garden some more, and went to see Heaven is for Real at the theater. What a sweet little boy...God Bless Him!

my favorite eggs in the green speckled one. It started out light blue from my Blue speckled Ameraucana.

My final chick hatched at 9:31 pm.

Set 60, 3 of which were fractured. Tried to fix them with liquid bandage, but they died early on.

Pulled 5 clears during 1st and 2nd candlings.

52 went into lockdown.

48 hatched, which if based on SET number of eggs, that gives me 80% hatch rate!! If it's based on eggs set MINUS the clears, my hatch rate is 86%!! AND...if it's based on how many went into lockdown, my hatch rate is 92%!!! Great numbers, I think, for my second incubation ever!

Here's what I hatched:

4 Mille Fleur
4 Serama
8 Silkie or Silkie/Polish cross
2 Maran
1 Lavender Orpington X with ?
1 Lavender Orpington X GL Cochin
1 Cochin mix
2 EE or Lavender Orpington X EE
1 Lavender Orpington X EE
1 Unknown mix
23 Easter Egger X Barred Rock and/or Commercial Black

TOTAL: 48/60

Will post pics tomorrow!!
final count!. 7 ameraucanas
2 buff orpingtons
3 OE
3 Delaware/blue andulusians

Others: one culled OE, 1 buff orp died after zip... I believe it drowned, 2 that were too dark to candle that did not hatch.
My mohawk RIR, the 36 hour pip, is out.

(the only shipped egg to hatch so far)

Yes when do we have to have totals?

I still have eggs that have not hatched. The one earlier today pipped, zipped and out in a couple hours so don't want to give up on the others yet. Going to candled once this little one has dried a bit .
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Ok, I need alittle help here ! My hatch has been going great, started on Friday morning 5 am with a ton of pips ! Got home Friday afternoon to a BUNCH of chickies dancing in the 'bator. Saturday morning I had to start taking chicks out because they were piling up.

I'm noticing that some of the chicks are having leg issues and I'm not sure what to do for them, if I can do anything at all.

I have one with curled toes, I made her little boots.

I also have 3 that can't seem to get their legs up under themselves and are sitting back on their hocks. Don't know what the problem is or how to help

Otherwise I've had a very successful hatch. I set 80.....................................55 made it to lockdown ( early quitters and infertile eggs ) far 46 have hatched !! Lost one that zipped and died in shell :-( waiting on the other 8

Anybody have any suggestions ? I tried the hobbles ,poor little buggers just lay on their sides & cry :-(
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