The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Quote: yes they are! I had 1 olive colored egg, 1 blue egg, 3 creamy colored eggs and 2 off white eggs. My husband randomly brought them home the day before we officially set for the hatch-a-long...perfect timing! My hubby owns a hardwood flooring business and he saw them when he went to a house they were working on. He told the lady that I was a teacher and hatch in my classroom every year. She gave him a dozen eggs and then even grabbed a dozen from the fridge and told him to try to get those to hatch too! lol I ended up with 7 at lockdown. Because I wasn't there, I didn't see the parents and my hubby never asked. The chicks that have hatched are mostly a light black with a yellow tummy and tush. They all have a little line of feathers down their feet. one of the chicks is mostly yellow with a little grey on her back. She doesn't have feathers on her feet. I saw a really small picture of the flock and I can only make out black chickens with poofy white heard (a polish maybe?)

BTW, Thanks so much for the advice earlier! It was my only blue egg left that was stuck and I was able to get him out and clean him up. He seems a little more tired than usual but that could be cause he was glued for several hours! Hopefully he'll take a nap and be just fine!
could indeed be a WC black polish, ask hubs for her number and give her a call, tell her you hatched babies with the kids! bet she would enjoy your call!

Your welcome, add some electrolytes to the waterer when u brood them, it will help

this is always in the hatching 101 article I will paste it just in case you dont have anything on hand you can make some....

DIP THE BEAK OF THE CHICK IN THE WATER BEFORE YOU TURN IT LOOSE in the brooder. A taste of water right away helps them to find more water soon. If your chicks are at all stressed, add about 3 tablespoons of brown or table sugar to each quart of water for extra energy. Most baby bird loss is caused because the bird doesn't start to eat or drink. Never let your bird run out of water.

Homemade Electrolyte Recipe for weak/ill chicks
2 C. Water
2 TBL. Brown Sugar, honey or molasses
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
Mix until all dry ingredients dissolve & Keep refrigerated
You could also use electrolyte drinks Gatorade or Pedialyte, or
3 drops of POLYVISOL (liquid childrens A-B-D vitamins)
Slowly place small drip along inner edge of lower beak,


Dont forget to have Sav-A-Chick™ Electrolyte and Vitamin Supplement on hand!

AND ITS CHEAP at TSC its Balanced electrolytes supplement for newly hatched and adult chickens, ducks, turkeys, and other domestic poultry. Fortified with vitamins A, D3, E, C, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12. Convenient, single-use packets each mix into one gallon of drinking water. Use during hot weather or other stress to support optimal hydration and bird health. JUST IN CASE you have a weak bird! OR You can add sugar to the water in the first couple of days.

how is the chickie!!!
The chick is doing well! You can't even tell the difference between her and the others. I got some electrolytes and put that in their water for them. I ended with 6 chicks in all. One of the chicks pipped but never started zipping. When I came down in the morning to check on my last 2 eggs, the one was just finishing pushing out of the shell and the other was completely still in its shell in the same place it was when I went to bed. I'm not sure what happened to it but it didn't make it.

But thankfully I have 6 happy little babies running around the brooder to ease the pain!
they are called Soft Flex They are awesome! I very rarely wear braces any more and I gotten to the point of getting 4 steroid shots in my wrist in one year, on the verge of surgery. I love them

I do have carpo tunnel..went through all of that fun testing..zap..zap... but, I opted out for surgery. I can't have the some in my shoulders, had an allergic reaction to the lanacane in them! Yep, I have to go with something else at the dentist office if I need a shot, but thank goodness, haven't had to in a while. Makes my heart go crazy!

Came back to look at that site..I didn't notice at first that they sell the going to get me some! Thank you!
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The hen that lays the big baby blue egg is a black copper ameraucana that my daughter named Athena. The slightly smaller light blue egg comes from a tan EE hen with lavender lacing in her feathers. The small chocolates are from the FBCM & the huge chocolates are from the cuckoo marans cross who appears to be blue barred with chocolate leakage. The other blue/green/olives are from numerous EE & OE in a rainbow of colors. The very light cream is from the light brahma & will likely have feathered legs. The medium browns with a pinkish cast are from 3 colors of wyandottes & the smallest medium brown eggs that are football shaped come from the buff orp. Roos are a huge leghorn/ameraucana mix (super blue egger), the blue barred OE & a cream legbar who is also throwing barred babies in shades of chocolate. Trust me, if a rainbow of eggs & feathers is what you wanted, you won't be disappointed. My LH/AM roo is dominant, so I have been getting a lot of predominantly white babies with spots of the momma's coloring. The white roos have been really fast growers & will make nice dual purpose birds for the extra roos.

Oh, and I forgot the black sumatra who lays the white eggs & the white rock who lays the odd ball brown eggs...LOL
Oh, I was going to come back and ask about the one big white, it's a sumatra? Didn't know they laid such big eggs! Man, I hope a lot of these hatch. Sounds like a great fun of colors going on!
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