The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Possibly a final count. 32 eggs went into lockdown on Wed. (12 were clear and I pulled them at that time).
5 hatched chicks. All EE crosses.
2 died after pipping and beginning to zip. I have no idea why they gave up.
Will leave the bator on for another day or so to see if any more hatch.

Disappointing hatch overall.

I feel you pain. I had 36 eggs. 4 hatched. One OE, 2 EE's, and one from a brown egg, guessing it has BO in it, or it is one. Buff in color anyway. I should get photos of my babies. Worst hatch I've had in years! Would have to happen during a big hatch a long. :/
No fun anytime however. :(
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Went in the other room to check humidity levels and while I was in here reading the boards, 3 more hatched and one was nearly through zipping! One more is resting having made a good looking external pip. 4 others do not appear to have done anything at all. I'll candle to look for internal pips when I pull these guys to put them in the brooder either later tonight or first thing in the morning.

So happy that your day ended up a happy one. That's a lot of eggs! Did they all get found? lol..I have a daughter that put out a lot, and not all of them were found. Eventually I
I do have carpo tunnel..went through all of that fun testing..zap..zap... but, I opted out for surgery. I can't have the some in my shoulders, had an allergic reaction to the lanacane in them! Yep, I have to go with something else at the dentist office if I need a shot, but thank goodness, haven't had to in a while. Makes my heart go crazy!

Came back to look at that site..I didn't notice at first that they sell the going to get me some! Thank you!
You're so welcome! I wear mine 8-10 hours a day while typing and they help immensely!
My hatch is 23! 15 New Heritage Delawares from Kathyinmo and 8 SG Dorkings.

Thanks to the Hatch Hosts and all the prize donators!

It was a great time hatching!


None of the chicks made it from hatched but died,2 died in shell leghorns, none of the "ameracauna's hatched" I suspected they were EE due to eggcolor and only tossed some at day 7 that were clearly doing nothing even cracked them open just egg no growth..I don't feel bad I always do eggtopsies. Only 2 showed any growth ...shipped eggs but I think just low quality I didn't really candle them I was just leaving it to chance. Good news is I. Still have 4 turkey,2 chicken eggs from my chickens ,1 duck going. The turkey actually reacted so strongly to the light shifted the egg in my hand..
Okay... Three BO hatched on Saturday. Moved them to mini brooder this morning, checked for external pips (none) and expected two internal pips to do something - and they didn't. Still no external pips this evening, so I candled everything.
One of them is still in the bator because I've stared at it long enough to convince myself I saw it move a wee bit - along with another three that don't look promising but *might* just make it. The other was eggtopsied; it looks like it may have pipped into a vein - there was a dime-sized bloody area on the membrane at the tear (over its shoulder).
Eight are definitely trying for an internal pip right now, twelve more look like they're going to need another day, but all are moving. Keeping temps up was a struggle after DH quit firing up the woodstove; I assume that's what they're trying to overcome. Still the possibility of getting the eighteen BO's I need
, but not really expecting them to be healthy enough to fill the order with. Fortunately there's two more batches going. Nap time. now
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