The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Alright so out of my 7 eggs only 3 were fertile and all 3 hatched.
3 Easter babies

Well it is 8:30 pm and lights out for the night. Two out running around, one zipping, four pips. Will check in the morning. Hoping all are finished..Really quite happy about progress for the first time trying.
So my total amount of chicks were 14/17. The 3 that died died around day 14. I have 4 shipped F2 Olive egger chicks, and 10 barnyard mixes. I will name all the mixes when I post the pictures in the morning.

Okay here are my hatch totals.

Set total: 112
Total Lockdown: 85
Hatch Total: 64

Total %: 57.14%
Total Fertile %: 76.19%.

Not great. Seems to me the larger amount set the less hatch percentage rate I get. Don't know but it seems that way to me.

My hatch total: set 12 eggs and 2 were not fertile. 10 locked down, 5 chicks hatched. Considering they traveled from Indiana to AZ, I am OK with that.

Of my 5, 4/5 are Ameraucana. 8 of those made it into lockdown. 1 had the world's worst air cell and died. 2 quitters. Only had 3 heritage Dominique egg to begin, 1 was a quitter one pipped through the wrong membrane and drowned itself, poor baby
Congratulations! I saw you joined is in the April Hatch A Long!

Been very busy had a colt born unfortunately mare didn't make it. I was shocked to no end. I was out there checking on the mare at 3 AM she was cleaning up the last of her dinner.
At foxtime (sunrise) 630 am 7 am some where just light enough to see. The other mares were up waiting for me as they normally are.
I glanced out in the pasture 1/2 way out I saw her laying out there Lifeless. Took a deep breath and walked out there. She was gone. but she had the foal but the foal wasn't there either. I found all the after birth but no foal. My fences are all wire and panels I am trying to figure this out. Walk that pasture 3 times. No baby.
went back to house to get something to cover the mare up . had a cup of coffee and a phone call. Totally puzzled.
Started feeding my chicken when I thought I saw that dread fox out behind the shed on the opposite side of the field. Another mare was watching very carefully. I thought the horses aren't afraid of Mr Fox. What over there.
I walked over there that colt was inside a fence area around the pump behind the shed. There is about a 1 foot space there. How he got in there I have no idea. Totally Totally a nightmare.
He is fine No cuts or bruises.
Lots of sleepless nights, and hours trying to keep him alive.
just came in from feeding 3 AM meal. He almost has the bucket training down..
checked incubators another turkey pipping and some eggs.....Lots of unfirtile eggs. Especially the wheaten marans.

Picture chicks and turkeys later today
I'm so sorry you lost your mare!
I'm glad you were able to find and save the foal.

Final hatch count - 4 out of 6 that went into lockdown. Two isbars and two chocolate green eggers.
24 out of 34 that went into lockdown hatched and are in the brooder. Still have some pips but don't think anything has happened since yesterday evening so I think it might be done. Gonna let it go till prbly tmrw afternoon and will update if anything changes.

All done.


Originally set 8 Cream Legbar eggs from my own birds on March 5.
One clear/infertile, taken out day 10
Seven went into lockdown
Six hatched (two boys, four girls), one DIS. All chicks doing well (and being adorable). BEST EASTER EVER!!!!

Happy Easter, everyone!!!!!

@mlm Mike @Sally Sunshine

- Ant Farm
Wonderful! Thank you!

So sad: hatch result 0/4.
I'm so sorry.

@mlm Mike

Looks like I have 15 out of 38 set. 39% not as good as I'd hope but I've had much worse.

5 of these

And 10 of these varying from light to dark

Here's their new home for now

Cute chicks PensMaster! Thanks again for donating that wonderful pen to the Fowl Drawing/Painting contest!

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