The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

It's day 17 on my big double yolker egg. The egg is mostly dark, but I can see movement on the side with the air sac and the utherside is just completely black so I can't see if there's any movement or not. I hope that at least get one chick out of this!
I have a question! So it's day 14 almost 15 on twizzlers eggs, she keeps talking to them, but I was wondering if they can peep this early on to communicate with her?
Who is going to hatch Muscovies? Anyone? :caf Only a few days until set day for these!! I had some in 2011 but gave them up since I didn't want to keep separate areas and they made quite the mess in my chicken coop. If I moved to somewhere that had the right kind of set-up, I'd get them again. They are cool to look at and quiet. Great mommas, too!!
I would be if mine were laying. Maybe they will start.
I have a question! So it's day 14 almost 15 on twizzlers eggs, she keeps talking to them, but I was wondering if they can peep this early on to communicate with her?
I'm Not sure, but they are pretty small at that time, and surrounded in a lot of fluid still.
Plus, you've heard the mom cluck while broody, is this what she is doing? My silkie that is broody will cluck when I approach her, and right now, she doesn't have any eggs under her!
That's an excellent question and this is very interesting! We've never heard of sulfur we looked it up. Our employers were 90 when they passed away...and they never had this on the farm. The Sifto salt company lists sulfur blocks on their website for Canada. Whether we can get them...I'm not sure. We've always used the blue cobalt loose salt for the cattle/sheep.

Ranch Way Feeds and Cargill have sulfur blocks listed on their websites. Perhaps you can source blocks from them??

Right now we are trying mineral that has garlic mixed in to it to see if it will lessen the flies in the summer. It's made by co op.

Today's hatch

And I found out something interesting today - when you breed a Svarthöna (fibromelanistic) to a cockerel split to chocolate and the resulting chick (it's a girl!!
) is chocolate, it makes EVERYTHING chocolate!
The comb, the beak, the legs and all are chocolate! I imagine the bones and meat will be chocolate, too. I haven't been able to get myself to eat the black meat on the Svarthöna culls yet
, but chocolate chicken?

Wow...nice!! That's totally cool!

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