The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Ok people here is my ridiculous yet important question
Does anybody have a chicken coop that houses eight plus standard chickens that they do not want or would be willing to sell for a very low price and ship it to me in Monterey
I need a good coop asap thanks people for putting up with me:hugs
Hey there.

Hatched out 30 chicks this weekend. Set another 50 eggs on saturday. An elderly neighbor asked me to take some of his hens to relieve himself a bit. So I built a new tractor pen to set them up in isolation. On the far side of my property. He gave me two barred rocks and two white leghorns, layers. Two breeds I have never had laying. Actually, this is the first official white egg layers I have haf, which got me excited.
So I made a couple pysanky eggs today :p
Tomorrow I transplant some tomato plants, strawberries, and a couple of other veggies in my garden. It was in the 80s here today. Summer is pretty well official here in Florida :sick
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Hey there.

Hatched out 30 chicks this weekend. Set another 50 eggs on saturday. An elderly neighbor asked me to take some of his hens to relieve himself a bit. So I built a new tractor pen to set them up in isolation. On the far side of my property. He gave me two barred rocks and two white leghorns, layers. Two breeds I have never had laying. Actually, this is the first official white egg layers I have haf, which got me excited.
So I made a couple pysanky eggs today

Tomorrow I transplant some tomato plants, strawberries, and a couple of other veggies in my garden. It was in the 80s here today. Summer is pretty well official here in Florida
I got snow this morning.... not fair...
I had to toss of my eggs because the bator mp spiked to 108 and cooked all the eggs!!!
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that!

3 of the 7 eggs are developing.
A dog came in my back yard and killed all my bantam that I had free ranging including my broody Serama. I was able to save her eggs angle out them in the incubator.
I'm so sorry to hear about your bantams...but I'm glad you were able to save your Serama's eggs. Still terrible and they can't be replaced.

I am incredibly angry right now.
I almost killed Saint a bit ago and I'm honestly still thinking about it. I went to feed the chickens and I always start with Saint's pen. I stepped over Henpool to get in and right in front of Saint and he attacked my left leg! I would have been fine, but I just cut a pair of pants to make shorts. He got me 3 times and those suckers are deep. Thankfully not as deep as they would have been if Blizzard would have attacked me. I can not even express on this site just how mad I am.
Oh gosh, sorry to hear he got you. You're the second or third person I've read about now just lately who's been attacked. I hope your leg's ok.

Well I'm smallest bantam died.
worst part is I don't know if it was yesterday afternoon or this morning. I spen from 2:30-after midnight at the ER with my dad. Just for them to tell us my dad , who can't even stand up and is showing clear signs of a stroke, was fine. Go home. We had to lift him into my can and carry him back into his little motor home well into the night. I got home at about 1:30 am and passed out!!! I found her this morning.
Quote: I'm so sorry to hear about your bantam AND your dad!

Ron's right on the money about how the disks/nerves can affect his walking and body functions. At this point that he has no control, that's serious. That still doesn't explain why he can't talk and is showing signs of a stroke unless they're just thinking it's transient ischemic attack (TIA) (mini stroke) but that still should be taken seriously, especially if he's not on meds. My husband gets blood clots every time he goes for knee surgery and the first time they treated him for a few days just until his d-dimers came down. But not on follow up medication. Every doctor since has been amazed there was no follow up medication. But it was at a small town hospital. Doctors can be wrong. He also sounded like a crappy doctor. I'd get him to a different emergency.
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I am incredibly angry right now. :mad:  I almost killed Saint a bit ago and I'm honestly still thinking about it. I went to feed the chickens and I always start with Saint's pen. I stepped over Henpool to get in and right in front of Saint and he attacked my left leg! I would have been fine, but I just cut a pair of pants to make shorts. He got me 3 times and those suckers are deep. Thankfully not as deep as they would have been if Blizzard would have attacked me. I can not even express on this site just how mad I am. :barnie  :he  :rant :mad:

Sorry Raz but Saint has to go. I put up with one for months thinking he'd get better. Didn't happen.
Sorry Raz but Saint has to go. I put up with one for months thinking he'd get better. Didn't happen.
I had one attack me in the morning. When I came home from work I got the water boiling and started processing him.

My middle daughter came into the kitchen, took a look and I told her that dinner was going to be a bit late tonight since I still had some plucking to do!

I was kidding but we did have him for dinner after he rested in the fridge for a couple of days.
I had one attack me in the morning. When I came home from work I got the water boiling and started processing him.

My middle daughter came into the kitchen, took a look and I told her that dinner was going to be a bit late tonight since I still had some plucking to do!

I was kidding but we did have him for dinner after he rested in the fridge for a couple of days.

And that's what I should have done with mine. Got me in the back twice once when he was younger with no weight. Second time was it.
The look on your daughters face must have been priceless.

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