The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

And that's what I should have done with mine. Got me in the back twice once when he was younger with no weight. Second time was it.
The look on your daughters face must have been priceless.
Yes, the look was priceless!

She is used to stuff like that now of course.
Sadly I too think that "Saint" will not change and will always be a bird you can not trust. What breed is he? I think processing him may be necessary. My slw cockeral has a date with the freezer before too long before he manages to stick me too.
Hi! Im a little late on the post, but i set 24! Down to 22 with 2 clears at day 7.
March 23rd is lockdown day :D
Oh no was it for a long time? :hugs

It was long enenoug that it killed the eggs due to this week, and stop the easter eggs from developing quote name="IHeartPoultry" url="/t/1074649/the-7th-annual-byc-easter-hatch-a-long/8200_100#post_16695490"]

So sorry :( That sucks! How many eggs did you loose? :hit
[/quote] I lost about 36 eggs but some were from my test hatch, I am using little giant incubator in the room I had my brooder in along with some plants which made the temp in the room go up, I just didn't realize how much that would affect the temp in the bator (my homemade one must have had better insulation)
Oh thank you Sally you're so sweet. Me too these are my first broodies so I'm ecstatic!

Anyone have any special suggestions for my broodies and their care?

If you can keep the other chickens away for a time. When I kept mine with the others the poor hen got to confused and they were lost in the shuffle. The last batch I experimented with them keeping them in the garden without others and they all survived.
It is possible for that stuff to happen if a disk bulges into the Spinal nerves--It is considered an emergency though so if you went to the Hospital emergency, they should have had him in for surgery from the on call orthopedic doc.

Take him back or to a different hospital. That one messed you over!

My mom says they can't afford it. I told my mom to do it anyway so I have done what I can short of knocking him over the head and calling an ambulance.
I pray she doesn't wait to long but my dads worried the next one will say the same thing and cost them more $$ they don't have. Idk any more. I just don't know.
I say, time for a new doc! 

  How old is he? 

 And, if there is something going on in the neck, or brain..he needs to see a neurosurgeon!   Don't want any other type of dr. messing with the spinal cord area, or the brain.  Nope.  Been there done that.  Had nerve damage around my spine in the neck..had the surgery on my neck yrs. ago. Thank goodness all went well. 

The neurosurgeon looked him over but at the time said he didn't see an immediate danger because he could still lift his legs even if he can't control the movements. I wonder if it was because he was laying flat. If it's somethings pressing on the spine maybe it was released by laying but aggravated when sitting or standing up.
Ok people here is my ridiculous yet important question
Does anybody have a chicken coop that houses eight plus standard chickens that they do not want or would be willing to sell for a very low price and ship it to me in Monterey
I need a good coop asap thanks people for putting up with me:hugs
We built a simple box coop with weather treated wood and some 2"x4"s. We used hardware cloth over the top gags where we slanted the roof by simply building 1 side taller than the other and overhung the plywood by a solid 1' on all sides. Cut a whole and add a ramp. Set on a few cinder blocks to lift off the ground. All total I think our first coop cost less than $50 and was built in an hour.

You can make it any size using the same idea.
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I forgot to add that I candled at day 7 and have 6 out of 11 eggs developing nicely. Isbars and chocolate green eggers from @KYTinpusher

I also put 4 OE eggs under my silkie who has gone broody. This is her first time, but she's been sitting for 2 weeks basically now. I'm sure she'll do great!
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