The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Just finished a big candling. It is 14 days for 48 of the eggs and day 12 for 24 of them. I started with 31 shipped eggs from 3 different sources. At day 14-

Shipped egg tally-

Feathermeadow started with 13 now have 3 (25%) These travelled from Arizona.
J-Bar started with 6 now have 3 (50%) These travelled furthest from Oregon.
Alchemist Farm started with 12 now have 8 (66%) These traveled from California.

So shipped eggs 14 out of 31 remain. (45%) They are all Isbar. The ones pulled either did not develop or had blood rings.

For my own eggs -
Isbar- pulled 3, 2 no development, 1 blood ring (out of 19) (84%)

Isabelle Leghorn- pulled 1 no development (out of 12) (83%)
SFH- pulled 5 no development, (out of 10) The rooster must not be getting the job done. New rooster and new pen almost done if it doesn't rain this weekend! (50%)

Began with 72 and I now have 46 that are looking good! (64%)

Since I can't stand an empty incubator I set 22 in the empty spots and will move them all to one incubator at lockdown for the Easter hatch group.
Day 14 candle. . . candled my 15 eggs from Hog Creek Ranch, 14 babies movin' and groovin' ! I think the 15th would have been too but it was one of those round eggs you can't tell which is up and which is down. They marked it on the wrong end and i set it like that so that is def my fault. Didn't candle my BYM, will do that maybe tomorrow .
Day 14 candle. . . candled my 15 eggs from Hog Creek Ranch, 14 babies movin' and groovin' ! I think the 15th would have been too but it was one of those round eggs you can't tell which is up and which is down. They marked it on the wrong end and i set it like that so that is def my fault. Didn't candle my BYM, will do that maybe tomorrow .

That is FANTASTIC for shipped eggs!
Just finished a big candling. It is 14 days for 48 of the eggs and day 12 for 24 of them. I started with 31 shipped eggs from 3 different sources. At day 14-

Shipped egg tally-

Feathermeadow started with 13 now have 3 (25%) These travelled from Arizona.
J-Bar started with 6 now have 3 (50%) These travelled furthest from Oregon.
Alchemist Farm started with 12 now have 8 (66%) These traveled from California.

So shipped eggs 14 out of 31 remain. (45%) They are all Isbar. The ones pulled either did not develop or had blood rings.

For my own eggs -
Isbar- pulled 3, 2 no development, 1 blood ring (out of 19) (84%) :celebrate
Isabelle Leghorn- pulled 1 no development (out of 12)  (83%)
SFH- pulled 5 no development, (out of 10) The rooster must not be getting the job done. New rooster and new pen almost done if it doesn't rain this weekend! (50%) :hit

Began with 72 and I now have 46 that are looking good! (64%)

Since I can't stand an empty incubator I set 22 in the empty spots and will move them all to one incubator at lockdown for the Easter hatch group. :oops:  

:fl shipped Isbars!!!

Day 14 candle. . . candled my 15 eggs from Hog Creek Ranch, 14 babies movin' and groovin' ! I think the 15th would have been too but it was one of those round eggs you can't tell which is up and which is down. They marked it on the wrong end and i set it like that so that is def my fault. Didn't candle my BYM, will do that maybe tomorrow .

That is amazing!!!!! :celebrate :highfive:
Totally bummed at the moment! :rant  The classroom hatch is a complete loss. 25 eggs were set and 0 hatched. We had some troubles early on with infertility and early quitters. Lockdown started Monday with only 6 eggs left. One of the eggs was questionable, but too dark to tell for sure.

Well, Wednesday (two days into the lockdown) the teacher gives me a call that they can't get the temperature above 80. I check it out and someone had removed the temp sensor out of the incubator. :eek:  I put the sensor back in and the temp was 103*F. It is unknown how or when this happened, or even exactly how hot the incubator got before I fixed it. Unfortunately, the chicks were "cooked!" :mad:  

To save face and give the kids (ages 5-6) a feeling of success I purchased a couple TSC bantams and slipped them in before the kids arrived at school today.

The incubator and chicks came home this afternoon. An eggtopsy revealed that the one iffy egg was a late quitter, but the other 5 were "cooked." One was a blue/black/splash Maran with the splash pattern and another was a chick from my Ancona hen. :he
I had a near bust and maybe a batch that is a total loss. So sorry, glad you slipped some in
Crazy chicken killed seven 18 day old chicks by freaking out and leaving the nest. (Trading her to someone else tomorrow) Little Nancy was the strong one of the group. So cute. Can you feather-sex salmon faverolles?
look at that fuzzy-butt :D

Bad news is the eggs due to hatch today may be a bust. I have been out of town and a friend has been watching my pets. Told her the hatcher needed to stay at at least 60% humidity and she needed to add water if it dropped. It was at 10% today when I came home. Pumped humidity up quickly but it's already past day 21 and no pips. Cracked open all to save any still alive. Might still have a few if they make it until morning. Must've tossed 10 dead chicks that were shrink-wrapped or died 2 days ago and no yolk absorbed.

So far may have 2 blood rings and maybe 2 or 3 clears in my HAL eggs. Will recheck in 2 days
OH my... I candled real quick last night... and I think I have twins!!!

Here's the story: I sometimes randomly grab an egg and candle it and last night was one of those times. I just so happened to grab the biggest serama egg that we got. I never thought this egg maybe a double yolker, probably because I mail ordered these eggs. I've never seen a serama egg before i got some in the mail... so I'm not sure what's considered a big egg... Anyway, so when I first shined the flashlight into the egg it looked weird, more red for its age. I continued to look at it and saw one baby's eye and body. I'm thinking at this point "okay great one is alive and good to go" then as I turn it over I see another!
Two embryos moving separately from each other. Two eye spots and bodies. I was so shocked and a little shaken that, to spare the egg, put it safely back in the incubator. During today's turning sessions I did take how heavy it was compared to the other eggs... Tonight i will candle again to tell 100% if it's twins...

Any tips for twins? I know I'll probably have to help out with hatch... What's the chance they'll both survive? I have helped 3+ chicks out of eggs successfully if that makes a difference...

Hoping they'll be okay...
I set double yolkers when I get them, but I never have had any luck yet with development. I hope yours can do it!

I built a cabinet incubator and my plan was to have the drawer up top be the Hatcher. But the temperature is usually about 93 degrees. How could I raise that temperature in the drawer without raising the temperature around the eggs in the turner? I'm assuming 93 degrees is too cold for them.

If it were me, I would probably try adding a small light, maybe a 25 watt bulb?

I've reached a new low..........photographing bee poop. In 4 years of beekeeping, I've never seen anything like this. My bees were confined to their hive for 10 or so days of heavy rain. We got over 9 inches of rain. The first clear day and they exploded all over the place. They were obviously very happy to get out to relieve themselves.

I don't know...I think this is pretty interesting! I didn't know they would hold it like that. I'm SO glad I'm not a bee.
I love learning this kind of stuff!

I just learned yesterday that the dictation a specialist does into his tape recorder is typed out by someone else in the office and that report is what is sent to your family doctor. So neat!
(We were at hubby's gastroenterologist

The Total Number of Eggs Set for the 2016 BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long is..............


Which makes LilChickens2 the winner with a guess of 7,447



And that's why they makes extendable handle fish nets! For the "hard-to-catch" chicken.

(That's the actual net we use; very gentle, very safe)
Crazy chicken killed seven 18 day old chicks by freaking out and leaving the nest. (Trading her to someone else tomorrow) Little Nancy was the strong one of the group. So cute. Can you feather-sex salmon faverolles? look at that fuzzy-butt

Bad news is the eggs due to hatch today may be a bust. I have been out of town and a friend has been watching my pets. Told her the hatcher needed to stay at at least 60% humidity and she needed to add water if it dropped. It was at 10% today when I came home. Pumped humidity up quickly but it's already past day 21 and no pips. Cracked open all to save any still alive. Might still have a few if they make it until morning. Must've tossed 10 dead chicks that were shrink-wrapped or died 2 days ago and no yolk absorbed.

So far may have 2 blood rings and maybe 2 or 3 clears in my HAL eggs. Will recheck in 2 days

Oh no!!

So sorry to hear, so frustrating on all accounts!

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