The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

[COLOR=008080]Are you kidding??!!![/COLOR] :eek: [COLOR=008080] I would DEFINITELY drive that far to get special hatching eggs in order to keep them from being shipped!! [/COLOR]:D

Haha! Yes they're gorgeous lav orp eggs! I didn't have very good luck with this batch of shipped eggs and I don't want to risk it again
What kind? Did you get us some too ;)

Lol they're lav orps! You all can have some too if you want
   So sorry, had a feeling like you did.  Prayers going your way.  So, now what will they do for him?   Any therapy?

Yes. That's on the menu but first they have to see what this other quack Doctor did to him and how bad. They said when they got the medical records from Monday the doctor blew a fuse. My mom knew the moment he saw them because he came running into the room with counter meds for what they put my dad on.
Hello everyone! I have a question. One of my hens just went broody and she is almost 1. This is the first time she has gone broody and I was wondering if it is a good idea to put some eggs from the hatch a long under her. I'm going to put the eggs in lockdown tonight and would like some advise. Is it unnatural to give a hen eggs when they are about to hatch or will she accept them no matter what stage? Also she is sitting on all dummy eggs right now.

I would wait until hatch. This way (under cover of dark) you can slip some chicks under her but watch them close. She might not be true broody yet. Might reject them. If she lets them under her and starts tending them you know your safe.

That's how I fostered some last year with a new broody.
  How long has she been broody?  Want to make sure she stays first!  I learned that one.  If she has been on for a couple of days, she's probably good to give a chance with babies.  I'm thinking of doing the same with my silkie that went broody a couple of days ago.  I know she would stay on the eggs, but not sure what kind of mom she will be. This would be her first time being a mom. 
Good luck
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Yes. That's on the menu but first they have to see what this other quack Doctor did to him and how bad. They said when they got the medical records from Monday the doctor blew a fuse. My mom knew the moment he saw them because he came running into the room with counter meds for what they put my dad on.

Hope they get your dad on the right track and he starts recovering as much as possible.

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