The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Lol, not far at all! I would drive that. I drove 3 1/2 hours to pick up 2 silkie chicks lol. Stopped at the farm show while I was out there so it wouldn't seem so weird lol

Haha! Wow! I wish there was a farm show I could stop at too lol

Not crazy. I have driven 3 hours one way for hatching eggs.

That's dedication right there!

OK so I am going to vent real quick..... I got an emergency call from a local animal shelter yesterday about 2 baby ducks about 3 weeks old that were in need of some help. A women went to a store bought 2 Pekin Ducks so that her daughter could play a prank on a teacher at school. Well, after the prank was over she didn't know what to do with these babies so she stuck them in a small shoe box and put a book on the top of the box, she had a shot glass in the box with water full of poop and she had been throwing sugared cereal into the box for 2 1/2 week to feel them. She finally decided it was time to get rid of them and was going to drop them off at a local park on a river bank....... Thank god there was a cop there and got a bad vibe by what this lady was doing and he took the ducks to a local shelter, unfortunately this shelter is not equipped to take "farm animals" as they call them and called me to see if I could help. After they were checked by a vet these poor babies are SUPER dehydrated, they are anemic, their legs are so cracked they are splitting and bleeding. The male has a dry crack in his beak and the vet had to scrape dried on poop off the inside top of his beak.

I DONT GET IT, I DONT understand how people can just be so horrible. I was supposed to be fostering these ducks just until they are healthy enough to be rehomed, but alas I am a foster failure and will be keeping them. They have had it bad enough I am not about to let them go to another bad situation. Besides, they follow me EVERYWHERE and our resident bunny has already made them her BFF's LOL

Except you are not a foster failure.

YOU are a foster animal's DREAM COME TRUE!
There's a lot of ways Sally sunshine has a great post somewhere on it. Maybe someone can link it. But hand warmers hot water bottles etc... The best possible think you can have is a generator. I know there expensive but it's saved me more then once.

If you have a grill you can light a fire and heat water and rocks or bricks to put in the bator. Or if there is no room in the bator put a towel under them and set them near the vent holes to warm the incoming air and then throw blanket over everything. If putting the heat sources outside the bator it works best if they are near the vent holes.
And it's not like she couldn't google "How to Take Care fo Baby Ducks".

Exactly!! :rant
Makes me wanna :mad:

Personally I think she just didn't care :( got them for the prank, thought of them as disposable and not living creatures. You see similar things when people drop their older dogs off at the shelter or even young animals out on the streets when they no longer want them. Sickening. I even heard of one case where someone dropped off I think a German Shepherd because she was "too old" and had a tumor/bump or something that was "gross." This was actually locally I think, saw the dog on Petfinder. And it turns out that the tumor was benign, think it was on the mammary gland, and it was easily treatable. They treated it. I think they may have wanted to put her down and the vet called a GSD rescue. Then I also heard of this case with a cocker spaniel where the owner dropped her off, I think she was like 16 too, or at least 12, and THAT SAME DAY, IMMEDIATELY AFTER HE DROPPED HER OFF AT THE SAME SHELTER, asked shelter to staff to show him the available puppies...... fortunately they said no. And a friend of mine witnessed somebody literally toss a cat out their window and drive off a couple months ago. Naturally, he couldn't just leave the cat there and went and picked him up. Him and his brother and family still have him. Sweetest cat ever. I've never actually met the cat cause he unfortunately lives in another state now but just from pictures and videos he shared he's so sweet. Like seriously, even minutes after getting home after rescuing him this cat was rubbing all over his face and everything. Not scared at all. Just instantly rubbing him and loving on him. And they lay together all the time. Sweetheart. I know orange cats are supposedly friendly to begin with but this cat is like especially sweet. I think he knows that Aaron saved him and appreciates it. He named him Smash Cat aka Smash haha not exactly sure the story on it. But I am so glad Aaron was there at that exact moment and that he was able to rescue him and then decided to keep him instead of taking him to a shelter or something. And honestly looking at them together, it's like this was meant to be, like they were meant to be together. So maybe in a way those people leaving Smash to die was the best thing that ever happened to him. But anyway, it is so sad to me and sickening how people can treat animals in this way :( and to me an animal is family. They stay until their time's up. And I'd never just dump them for a new puppy :/ clearly these animals were never family

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