The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Woke up to two more chicks!
So I have 6 barnyard layers and 1 silkie born. However, 3 of my barn yard mix eggs are pipped at the wrong end, so my question, is there something I may have done, too hight of heat or low humidity, or anything that would have caused them to pip at the wrong end? or is it just a crap shoot ?
One of my barnyard mixes eggs pipped on the wrong end. It started to zip but only made a hole with no progress for 12+ hours of getting out. So last night I made the call and did a emergency assisted hatch. Little guy was weak and so happy to get out of the shell. His feet were curled I didn't know if he was gonna make it. But this mourning he's up and walking and looking good. So just keep an eye on them if they can't get out you might have to assist. As far as why they pip on the wrong end. Maybe someone else can chime in. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the air sac.




So it's looking like Final Count might be. Eight Orust chicks and 7 barnyard mixes. I still have the other two eggs in the bator incase there late bloomers. The last chick is the one that pipped on the wrong end and I had to do my first assisted hatch. I might keep him. For some reason he's just special to me!

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