The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

what stage are you at?  a external pip?  go to the external pip area and see the timeline for that @deserteggs22

[COLOR=FF0000]TIMELINE of PIPS ZIPS ECT see below post![/COLOR]


I spoke too soon. They are zipping right now!
Ok, here is a group picture of some of my Easter HAL chicks in their brooder. (the rest of them were hiding under the heat plate) In case you didn't see my earlier post @mlm Mike my final chick count is 31.

They are right next door to the one week old chicks from last week's hatch, and I will be combining the two groups in a few days once the newbies have their feet under them a bit. So neat seeing them side by side - amazing to see the growth in one week!
Is it just me or does anyone else have extreme slackers. I had 2 hatch but no one else has pipped. I have been using a spray bottle and keeping the moisture up. It got past 80%. Plus the temperature has been all over the place since my room is always changing temperature as well. The two that hatch are doing very well though. The others are alive, I candled them and they were all moving with a internal pip.

I got a white Legbar! Pulled 11 more out of the good dry hatcher this morning, & 1 out of the bad bator. Still a few pipping. Only have 3 chicks from my flock this hatch so far, but lots of cuties!

Love the little white legbar I got one from @junibutt's test hatch and I adore it. :)

[COLOR=800000]Who's in the not-yet-externally-pipped-eggs club? :gig [/COLOR]

I am... :barnie  

I stilk have almost 30 eggs in the bator that haven't done anything. We did just find a couple more pipped. Hope they hurry up.

It will possibly turn out to be a silver. I was reading up on them and there are three colors: the Cream, the Silver, and Gold. The Cream was what was imported but apparently there was some silver genes floating around. The golds are caused by "losing" the cream gene. Can't remember whether that gene is dominant or recessive so I won't try to describe how that happens.

Oh, nice!! I've never had a white pop out of mine... :thumbsup
That is a recessive white Cream Legbar... they've been popping up in some of the lines... there are several people now working on breeding them...

no they are sweetgrass but mama is very minimum colored. Will color up more as they age. I wanted midgets white but when I'd go see parents were big. It said on a site I was on to watch out for large midgets so I didn't buy their eggs. Love the sweetgrass their colors are so pretty

ME TOOOOOOO that kind is pretty, what was the other color we discussed?
go to they have some of the most beautiful colored birds there. It is a good thing I don't have a whole lot of land, I'd have a lot of different colored turkeys...
There is photos at this site.
thank you !!

I have 2 pips in my bantam Phoenix eggs!!!

Ok, 7 out of 18 hatched. The others were quitters or infertile.
so pretty!!!! love those colors!!
The variance was a couple of degrees difference right by the fan. Temp was even everywhere else.

BUT I've discovered I can fit 8 stacked trays (4 each end) instead of just 3 trays, one level. So I'll be reconfiguring the incubator and moving the lights and fan to mid back to accommodate for the levels of trays. I'll see how that works. I'm just waiting for this hatch to get done.
awesome!! can you tag me with updates? are you joining the April Hal r have you already ?

"Springing in the Chicks"
2016 April Hatch-a-Long

Hosted by Mike & Sally

Going to have eggs in the bator/s in April?


Set whenever you wish as long as eggs are in the incubators or under hens any day in April!


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Of the 17 eggs, woke up to two chicks hatched (a fluffy yellow from a neighbor's welsummer/buff orphpington flock, and one very dark one with dark legs from one of our blue eggs). So far today I have one more hatch (olive egg), one that looks like it's almost out and several external pips. Very excited as these are "Children of Kazoo" (Kazoo is our EE rooster).

Is there a spreadsheet I need to update somewhere for the hatch-a-long.

So far the EE chicks have all had dark legs. I'm hoping that holds, so I can easily tell them apart when they've all hatched. (I have bands for them when everyone is out.)

Very excited!

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