The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Of the 17 eggs, woke up to two chicks hatched (a fluffy yellow from a neighbor's welsummer/buff orphpington flock, and one very dark one with dark legs from one of our blue eggs). So far today I have one more hatch (olive egg), one that looks like it's almost out and several external pips. Very excited as these are "Children of Kazoo" (Kazoo is our EE rooster).

Is there a spreadsheet I need to update somewhere for the hatch-a-long.

So far the EE chicks have all had dark legs. I'm hoping that holds, so I can easily tell them apart when they've all hatched. (I have bands for them when everyone is out.)

Very excited!

May I ask...dark as in blue legs?

Only one of my young EE roosters has dark purplish blue legs and I have him in breeding exclusively right now. I'm curious to see what I
(insert evil mad scientist smile)
The 4th winner of the Random Posting Contest is..........

Penny Hen

You have won a poultry sign, courtesy of NotAFarm.for your post here.

There is still one more chance to win!


Oh my goodness. They should all go into a huge huge MUG..and be entered into the mug contest. Look at all of that fluff! So cute. Happy this hatch worked out.
I finally caught up to where I was the other day, only 340+ posts left to go!


But it's 2am and if I reply, I know I'm not going to get to bed and we have appointments in the city I'll be back.

A quick update
I'm still here.
I had 22 eggs go into lockdown and have been expecting chicks.

I candled the eggs last night and took one out because it had visibly quit. But the rest are alive with good movement. Today there are still no signs of hatching yet.

I candled a couple of eggs tonight and the chicks are still alive and viable. So I think the chicks took an "extra" long weekend!

I'm going to separate the eggs in tall trays to keep the chick groups separate in case they hatch while we're gone tomorrow.
(Cause you know that's what they're waiting!!)

Perhaps I can get caught up reading during tomorrow's travel.....
PS, For those you that are curious about the buckskin colt born the other night 26th of March. He is still alive and eating like a piggy. His hours are killng me , took him to every 3 hours for feeding instead of every two hours, He was learning how to run earlier today was so cute. took some videos but he wouldn't preform as soon I got my camera... good night feeding comes in 2 hours.
I'm still worried/ aggravated. I set 90 eggs and only 51 were fertile. Not counting the assisted chicks that died after hatch, 22 is the final count. I just don't see the other 2 hatching. 56% fertility on the entire hatch with a 43% hatch rate is pretty bad. On the bright, though, it gives me something to work on for the next hatch. I'm collecting eggs from both pens to set next week to recheck fertility since the switch. Plus, I really want to see what my Maransx eggs are going to look like when they hatch!

P.S. I'm seriously considering annoyed with my Andalusians. 3 more eggs in the incubator and have been there for a week. They still aren't fertile. I just need to get them a roo and get them out of Blizzard's pen. He just doesn't seem to be into them.
No final count yet- we have several stragglers pipping, zipping and about two dozen or so that have hatched since Saturday. I hope to have a final count tomorrow night. All three incubators a tied up, some double stacked and I have 7 Sebastapol goose eggs ready to set with nowhere to set them!
(I'm over the moon with joy about my three lavender Orpingtons! And, As I suspected, I am not a fan of naked necks!!! I want to knit a tiny sweater for the poor thing!)

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