The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

My barn is starting to look like a barn; Check it out! The brooder section is new, and I just got a herd of goats from a lady who's switching her breeding focus from Kinder goats/etc to Nubians only. She wanted them to go to a good home and sold them to me for a very good price. (Yes, there is a kitchen table tied to the rafters. My house is being remodeled as carpeting was not present when we bought the place; the kitchen table is hanging from the rafters so that the goats don't walk all over it)
This evening's project: fix the damage done to the small duck coop during the move. Friday's project: collect all the old pallets lying around the property and use them to build my first ( of many I plan) chicken coop.
I'm getting quail this week!!!!! Are they hard to hatch at all? Plan to breed for a few people that hunt them

To be honest I'm not sure. I've never done this before. I'm a first time hatcher myself. But I also have Japanese Quail which are not a game bird. From what I hear those are more difficult all around. What kind are you getting?

Your Fellow Homesteader,

Question!!!!!! If I breed my brown red barred naked neck rooster to my barred cream crested legbar crosses/cuckoo marans hens What are the odds of getting barred pullets that lay green eggs. All the hens lay a pretty green egg. I am thinking 50/50?
I'm sorry
maybe you could find your state's thread and see if someone else nearby has some to share. There's always ebay and the bst section on here.
I don't think anything would come in time. I live out in the middle of nowhere, and it takes forever for anything to get here...Plus I mean there is always next year, and I will be getting chicks from the feed store before Easter as well. I would also prefer to not get shipped eggs, since I am still very new to hatching myself. Thanks anyways.

You can't find something else to hatch?
I was going to hatch some of my own eggs as well as the silkies, but I was worried about MG, because I have been having a problem with it this year in that coop, so I decided against it. And I really wanted the silkie eggs from that specific breeder. Plus they are only about 5 minutes away, so no shipping involved. My parents also won't let me hatch very much, so I am most likely only hatching once this year. I'm not too upset. I'm just glad my parents are letting me hatch anything this year. And there is always next year.
Question!!!!!! If I breed my brown red barred naked neck rooster to my barred cream crested legbar crosses/cuckoo marans hens What are the odds of getting barred pullets that lay green eggs. All the hens lay a pretty green egg. I am thinking 50/50?

Do you know if he is single or double barred? If he is double barred ALL his daughters will be barred (and all his sons will get 1 copy of the barring gene from him, if their mother is barred they will get another copy from her, making them double barred). If he is single barred then half his daughters will be barred.
I will admit that I'm not a silkie fan but I wouldn't call them worthless.  They are great broodies.

For the few eggs they can hatch compared to a Chantecler or Cochin for me they are pretty worthless. Hatching less then 15 eggs at a time doesn't make sense to me.

I may add some new eggs to this hatch! Bielfelders and Icelandics! A friend of my mom's friend is giving all of her poultry stuff to me including birds and another bator! I am do grateful!
Yeah but they're cute, fluffy, and adorable and most people don't really have them for production but rather pets. And they're great for that.

Besides, 15 eggs is a lot if you can't have many chickens :p

That said, I probably wouldn't get one, at least not right now, since they can't really be with LF breeds
I guess I should consider myself lucky then. My little silkie hen gives me an average of 5 eggs a week and had never gone broody. She and her partner live happily among the LF flock with no issues :)

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