The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

Hope you get feeling better asap.

Pretty girls!
Not sure how successful this hatch is going to be. I got 12 Wyandotte bantam eggs from the people I buy feed from and then I set 24 Easter Egger eggs from my flock. And I have 1 NJ rooster over 39 hens. So I know not all of them will be fertile. I couldn't wait so I candles them last night. Looks like 5 bantam eggs are developing and 8 of the EE are developing and maybe 2 quitters (looks like blood ring is forming but those green blue eggs are tricky to candle .

Plus my turner got really loud and temperature has been tricky to stabilize . Forced air. I got annoyed with the noise of the turner and took it out. This is my third hatch. I think I'm just going to invest in a new incubator with a digital thermostat instead of a wafer.
Well. I guess it does stabilize but it's not the range I want. I either get 99.5 to 100.6 or 98.6ish to 99.4. Are either of these ranges ok? I might be over thinking it.
I would like 99 to 99.5 but just can't seem to get it with the wafer thermostat .
Well. I guess it does stabilize but it's not the range I want. I either get 99.5 to 100.6 or 98.6ish to 99.4. Are either of these ranges ok? I might be over thinking it.
I would like 99 to 99.5 but just can't seem to get it with the wafer thermostat .

My bator stays within 99.4-99.6
@chickendreams24 so sorry about your grandpa. I'm not a doctor or anything but my (90+ year old) grandfather lived with us for over 2 years and in that time we actually stopped the progress of and partially reversed his very advanced Alzheimer's with the right foods. The things that really made a difference were we eliminated wheat and sugar from his diet, gave him a tablespoon of coconut oil every day and Ginkgo Smart pills. Usually we gave him one ginkgo pill a day and his memory would be noticeably better than if we didn't but some days we would give him 2 and he would remember EVERYTHING. One thing though is that it's not good to eat a diet high in both fat and sugar so if you can't get him off of sugar then a whole tablespoon of coconut oil is probably too much. Again I'm not a doctor this is just what worked for us.

I figured I'd put that information out there in case it would be useful to you or anyone else.
I put 15 call duck eggs in the incubator on the 16th, didn't even know that was the day for call eggs to hatch the day before Easter!

Oops, 16th not the right day, but also several on the 10th, the 20th and again today put a bunch in, so the ones on tbe 20th are the day before Easter ones.
How many did you set on the 20th? @duckmeister

Participant list and egg totals are updated to page 144 mobile, post 2865. Keep those numbers coming.
Hi guys. I don't have time to catch up right now.

Things are crazy here. I would appreciate it if everyone could please read this post I know it's long but the lowest half is what's most important to me. The upper half will give you a laugh.

We set chicken eggs for the Easter hatchalong on Monday at noon.

Yesterday we discovered something had damaged our kitchen cupboard under the sink. And later learned it's a groundhog. It would seem it hibernated in the crawl space under our kitchen floor and became stuck.

Everyone remember those holes last fall under our porch? I believe we know the cause. Well apparently the thing can't find its way out and of course has no access to water. Yesterday it chewed through the water line to our sprayer knozzle on the kitchen sink as well as chewing at the cupboard itself. There is a flap of wood that goes around the pipes that lifts out that is it's entrance point.

We were up until past 4 am last night trying to get the thing out. It's large for a groundhog and although I'm not frightened of it I do respect it and feel for it's plight. We are trying to shoo it out through the kitchen and out the back door. Unfortunately this has not proved easy.

Hopefully tonight we can manage to get it out. It is very fearful but not aggressive although if it felt cornered I'm sure it could be. In fact after it got out of the cupboard(pushed the cupboard door open) last night the wood fell and it wasn't able to get back down the hole for some time.

We weren't able to get the door open and get it out before it got the flap up again.

It was quite the fiasco with me trying to soothe the frightened panicked creature. And eventually it turned and walked right up to me in between the kitchen and the dining room. No fear what so ever and sniffed the tote lid that I held as a barricade before looking up at me. I told it gently it didn't want to go that way and turn around and it did. Lol

Quite the night. Hopefully tonight we will be more successful.

Now my friends please I need your thoughts and prayers for my Grandpa. I was informed today that he was rushed from his Alzheimer's care assisted living via ambulance a couple of days ago. His doctor had changed his meds and taken him off his pills for his mood. From what I understand. It was a short conversation. I will know more later. My Grandpa, who is the kindest most respectful man you'd ever meet, except for his Alzheimer's acted up without his pills. Any change at all is hard for Alzheimer's or dementia patients and he began to act out to the staff. From there they sent him to a hospital with a psych ward.

However upon admission tests were run and he has bacteria in his urine which we knew about but his elderly doctor chose to ignore when he saw him Friday. They also did a CAT scan and discovered he has pneumonia and a sinus infection as well as a urinary tract infection. He was not running a fever.

For those that don't know illness in patients who are elderly or have dementia or Alzheimer's often confuses and worsens their mental state. In the last three weeks he has not been recognizing family at all which has been spotty. He has good days and bad days but lately there all been bad.

We are hoping that treating these illnesses will improve his mental state and lesson his mood swings. If he remains violent or threatening of violence the place will not take him back.

:( Everyone please keep my Grandpa in your thoughts and prayers and keep my family in them as well.

My Grandpa is being monitored and treated with IV antibiotics. He did recognize my Grandma for the first time in three weeks yesterday when he looked at her and said her name.

I will keep you all up to date on Grandpa and on the groundhog when I know more. Thank you guys

Well. I guess it does stabilize but it's not the range I want. I either get 99.5 to 100.6 or 98.6ish to 99.4. Are either of these ranges ok? I might be over thinking it.
I would like 99 to 99.5 but just can't seem to get it with the wafer thermostat .
Go with 99.5 to 100.6.

Have a great hatch!

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