The accidental rooster keeper

Maybe you could try one of those traps that will catch an animal without harming it?? Put some treats in it that he can't resist.

I also agree with trying a net, but it won't do any good if you can't get at least fairly close to him. We have a pigeon that will let me get very close to it, but won't let me pick it up. When I needed to catch it a time or two, I used a net. It worked great!

I also used the same net today to catch a mean little bantam rooster fairly easily (so I could give him away to someone who actually wanted him). I would have chased that little devil a long time if I hadn't had the net.
To catch him. I would get a wire dog crate. And go to the farmer that is going to take him. Ask if they have a hen you can borrow. Put her in the cage and section that part off with some wire screening.. Place cage in yard. Open door and tie a piece of long string to it.. Walk far enough away that you can still see the cage and still hold onto the string. When rooster walks in to see the hen. Pull the door closed..

This is how I caught loose male pigeons when they got loose before they were used to my pen being their new home.

Hey when I was young I had alot of time on my hands... Please dont laugh at me.. It worked..
Keep him! He'll eat your bugs and pests and weeds and fertilize your yard at the same time. He'll learn to eat from your hand if you bring special treats like black oil sunflower seeds.

Of course, then you'll need to get him a couple of hens, and voila! you have fresh eggs. What a blessing!

If you really want him gone quit putting out feed. It looks like you have some big trees, as long as he can get to those he will have protection from the dogs/fox. He's smart or he wouldn't still be alive after being loose this long.
You should keep him, he is very pretty and I love our roosters.

Although, if you truly want to send him on his way, watch him as the sun goes down. He'll roost somewhere and try to get up high. Chickens have trouble seeing at night, so they usually won't run or fly. See where he roosts and then wait until it is VERY dark, take a flashlight and shine it in his face. Then very quickly have your hubby grab him, but his legs is best.

A wire dog crate would be good as well.

You are all such enablers!

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