The adventures of Barbara (BR)


Oh the ladies only have Wtay with them. He has 14 BR hens and 9 Lorps to impress. The BR ladies LOVE Wtay, there is no need for sneak attacks. The Lorps aren't so impressed yet, but it has not stopped him from dancing his foolish rooster heart out for them. The Lorps love the JG and Orph roos, little Wtay isn't their style. Usually, everyone is very happy with this set up. Wtay has his little pack of hens, he's got too many for ANY roo really, but for a roo with his ego, it's a good size. Usually the ladies are just laying eggs for food/sale. However, one of the ladies managed to sneak to the Orphs nest - VERY impressive given the Orph lady and her attitude about HER nest when she's broody - and as such, have a BR/frizzled bantam Cochin hatched. Plus, now the Orph roo is off scholarship and in line for freezer camp, since there are 4 Orphs running around also. I think. Unless the JG roo is daddy. Oh well, neither is in line for freezer camp, they are nice roos.

The little bantam Cochin roo who is in with the Cochin flock however. One would think that with *ahem* 29 hens that 3 roos would be fine. 2 are happy to share, 1 is throwing a tantrum. Said tantrum thrower also pitches a fit if a JG roo and hen get together in his presence. Son, let's discuss size differences here. You are 2 pounds on a good day. He is something like 13 pounds, she is something like 12 pounds. You pick a fight EVERY time, eventually one or both will get ticked at you and you will lose. Or maybe a peck on his stupid head would knock sense into him.

I don't think bantam Cochins are good members of freezer camp.
Oh no! Freezer Camp? I just haven't got the guts to eat any of my babies, no matter what kind of a-holes they are. My husband told me I had to promise that I would let him eat one of my chickens if he allowed me to increase my flock. Well....thats not going to happen. I still nod my head...sure honey....not gonna do it!!!!! So my flock of 6 has turned into a brood of 30+. Is there a CA? (Chickenholic Anonymous)
Well, we set up freezer camp because the JG were bound and determined to have ONLY males. As sweet as they may be, we do not need/have room for 40 roos. Some did find new homes, then the EE roo that was here turned into Evil, Bad Rooster (of dinner fame), and really, once we got the first member of freezer camp, it became somewhat easier. Then once we stocked freezer camp, the next hatching had 13 ladies and 1 roo, so apparently they needed the reminder of what happens when you produce only roos to remind them to produce ladies.

The banty roos are just fools, sorry. They must impress EVERY hen in a 10 mile radius they feel. Wyat was dancing his fool heart out for a wild turkey hen, who was HIGHLY impressed actually. His good chicken name is threatened if I ever see a turkey/frizzled bantam Cochin cross running around out there. The day a hunter sees that cross out there, we'll be calling 911 for the heart attack of the hunter I think.
Maybe that's what my mom meant when she said I have OCD. lol! I like that one.

I bet the first one IS the hardest. I hear fresh chicken is tasty but I think I would end up a vegetarian. It took me awhile to eat my girls eggs once I realized where they came from.
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How can you even consider that!? I have no problem with a spiritual program, the 12 Steps work just find thank you, but abstinence.
Take me to that old river.....

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