The adventures of Barbara (BR)

My little Holly ("Little Barbara's" sister; Fern's first) reminded me of your artwork the other day. I opened the pop door, and the nail had come loose, so I could not hook it open. I left to go get another nail. When I came back, this is what I saw ...... Yet another tight-rope act???? I do believe she acts just like her mother!


This 'n That

Little Cecily and her babies are living comfortably in the bargain broody house, but the same four walls, even if one is a window, get boring after a while. Cecily likes to take her babies out under the quince bush where they can dig and play and bathe. The three babies run after her like little windup toys, skittering over the tall (taller than them) green grass. Cecily will keep them out most of the day, but yesterday she was ready to come in about 5 o’clock. Mrs. Chickendad went to check on them and Cecily came fluttering across the yard to her. Cecily obviously wanted her to pick up the babies and put them in the broody house, so Mrs. Chickendad chased little chickies all over the yard until she could catch them. They are very fast. Mrs. Chickendad is not. Cecily will allow herself to be picked up (gently of course) and was put in with her babies so she could resume her mama duties.

The Evil Cochin Twins and their little brothers, the Weird Cochin Twins got to go out to play yesterday. Flock President Leroy did not put up with their juvenile behavior, so all of the twins stayed out of his way and chased each other all day. The Evil Twins tag teamed the Columbian Couple, one chasing off the cockerel while the other romanced the pullet. Then the Weird Cochin Twins stuck their beaks into the Evil Twins’ business and got run all over the yard for their nosiness.

Poor Stanley, the Speckled Sussex rooster has a damaged hock. He has been on prednisone and bed rest for a week, but it doesn’t seem much better. It acts like a trick knee—it pops out sideways. The Chickendads do not feel hopeful about Stanley. He is a stunning looking bird, but gimpy roosters do not make good daddies.

Barbara has been taking note of all the tightrope walker relatives she has. She figures it is because Barred Rocks have such perfect proportions and even barring that their balance is way above average. Of course, their superior chicken intelligence goes without saying. That usually means that the shortest distance between chicken and food is a straight line, and if it happens to be a tightrope, so be it.
Page 50... I'm catching up. Boy this is a long read when you start at the beginning and the end is at page 98!
Go Barbara!
My grandma's name is Barbara and she's a fiesty one, too.
I have a little roost out side for my chickens to sit on when they arent in the coop, and seems like my BR is always on it. not tight rope, but still wants to be on something high. my BR is also the first one on the roost for bed at night! lol
Your BR is just claiming her rightful place. They are Divas, they can't help it!

Well, I have 12 divas viying for "top Diva" status. Watching them "face-off" and puff up and neck stretch at one another is hilarious.
love my two barred rock hens-they are true pets, they love me and I love them!
Your story made me laugh, thanks
Both my little BR's turned out to be roos... -sniff- now I'm waiting for another order or to find a local breeder. The boys are going back to the mayor and I'm trading for some S and GLW pullets the same age.

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