The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Still devastated on this side of the pond!

Bless you, Mrs Chickendad, for your courage to update us all!

If it were me, I would still be in a darkened room!!!

Thinking of you!!!
I'm so sorry for you and your family! I can't believe it! How awful for you all to come home to find so much carnage! I'm not sure what I would do if it were me. We've lost 9 this summer, 3 of natural deaths, 1 dog, and the rest from some varmit we haven't identified yet. One as early as yesterday! Ya feel so helpless! I very much hope your surviving injured recover soon. Just want you to know you are cared about and loved. Barbara will be sorely missed.
I'm so sorry for your awful losses! I have Barbara's mug sitting in the windowsill above my sink and think of you all each time I see it. I came across a saying recently I'd like to share with you.

"Life isn't what it should be. Life is what it is. It's what you do with it that matters."

You have made a difference by the way you have coped with this horror. I commend you for your maturity and steadiness in spite of the pain. Thank you for letting us all see your example.
I started crying when I read that!! I got so attached to Barbara through your stories of her adventures, though I never posted. I am so sorry!!!
It is both comforting and amazing to me how far Barbara's influence has reached. Yes, she was "just a chicken" and a hatchery bird, at that, but she made up for it in personality and attitude. I have gotten condolence notes from all over the US, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. You guys have offered replacement birds, eggs, messages and prayers, and I thank you for being part of the Barbara Family.

I am churning around a new story line for the Chickendads. We have had several incidents these past two weeks that are itching to be written, and as I watch all the Little Chicken Kids grow up, there always seems to be a new perspective on chicken life. So it seems that Barbara may have started something that I can't put down, and as soon as it "jells", Barbara's legacy will continue thru her flockmates. Stay tuned . . .
I'm looking forward to that! There is something in the way you write, that made us all feel so connected to Barbara and her buds.
Did you ever find the dog that did the damage? Do you think there was a pack, maybe? I was surprised that one dog could kill/injure that many chickens, but thankfully I haven't had the experience yet so I don't know...hope I never do. Neighbors dogs were in our yard today, but didn't seem interested in the chickens. Of course I showed them the way out, but need to watch more carefully.
i am glad you will be writing more- you are so talented! My own barbara is ornery, and loves heights- wonder if thats a BR attribute? I am much more aware of our dogs attitudes now when they are off the leash- we rotate one at a time- they may be one way with us, but with other dogs, the focus is different- i sure hope you find that dog...
I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. It was not the ending I had forseen.
I have enjoyed reading your posts for some time, having found you whilst looking for information on my own barred rock Nancey.
She is one hard headed chicken and her character has always stood out.
She was one of my three first chickens, and though she has never been the boss, she has always been mischievious and fun to watch.
I now have 26 chickens of all ages who free range and often worry about them, because afterall, they are only chickens, and need someone to protect them all the time.
I feel very fortunate to live in England where we have little in the way of predators to worry about. Here in the countryside there are foxes (a constant threat) and ferral cats.
Luckily I have a cat of my own that is rather fond of my birds, so she offen fights things away, including my neighbours dog if it gets too close.

I wish you all the best with your future chicken endevors and look forwards to reading about them in the future.


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