"Hi, Sandy----" Nigel stopped and looked at Scarlet. Something about her didn't seem quite right . . . . No matter. "Who's this, Sandy?" He said referring to Scarlet. Then he turned to Reid. "Hey, buddy!"
"This is Scarlet...we just met" Sandy announced.
"hey bud, think of anything useful last night?" Reid asked "I tried to find some old info but couldn't find it. Where should we start looking for Preview?"
"What are you doing out, this early in the morning?" Sandy asked.

(Hmmm...should Reid show up? I don't wanna leave him wasting away in his basement...)
"Watching people. You can learn a lot from watching." Scarlet replied with a nod. "Who are those people you sometimes hang out with?" (Reid and Nigel)
"This is Nigel, and that's Reid" Sandy pointed.
Reid waved, though Scarlet made him very nervous.
"Oh yes, very good" Reid nodded "Whered you find her Sandy?"
"Oh, we just met this morning" Sandy informed him "here at this park"
"And you?" Reid asked Scarlet "Are you good?"
"Oh yes, very good" Reid nodded "Whered you find her Sandy?"
"Oh, we just met this morning" Sandy informed him "here at this park"
"And you?" Reid asked Scarlet "Are you good?"

"Well, if I was bad, I think I would of just sliced Reid's head off when I first saw him. He didn't see me." Scarlet said matter-of-factly.
"So take a guess." She grinned.
" guess you must be good then" Reid raised an eyebrow

(I love your new avatar! We have five budgies

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