" guess you must be good then" Reid raised an eyebrow

(I love your new avatar! We have five budgies

(Thanks! Do you have any pics?)

"Yeah." Scarlet replied.
"That's comforting" Reid nodded.

(I'll get some pics tomorrow. We have two pairs and one lone male, who's the pet and is super talkative :-D )
Reid looked her up and down "I suppose so" he nodded, slightly skeptical, but desperate for any help he could get.
Sandy looked quizzically at Reid. He would never invite a random person to help them, but he kept quiet. After all, he had been the random person just yesterday. He turned toward Scarlet "We're glad for you help" He muttered.
Reid looked her up and down "I suppose so" he nodded, slightly skeptical, but desperate for any help he could get.
Sandy looked quizzically at Reid. He would never invite a random person to help them, but he kept quiet. After all, he had been the random person just yesterday. He turned toward Scarlet "We're glad for you help" He muttered.

Scarlet smiled lightly now. "Thanks."
Okay, I've read through. I'm going to give this a shot. Never done anything like this before!

Name: Maleah (Say Ma-Lee-a)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Home Planet: Corn
Personality: Confident, Leader, Reserved but Friendly, Intuitive, Calm
Side: Good
History: Has grown up on Corn.
Special Talents: Can climb anything, can read thoughts, can heal injuries except her own.
Description: Tall, Long white feathers extending down her back, Three green eyes (one is hidden behind her beneath feathers)
Maleah sat watching the group in front of her. She'd been watching them since the first two showed up with the "machine". She'd seen everything, including the escape of the machine. It was the most bizarre thing she had ever witnessed! Now was probably the time she should introduce herself...but something was holding her back. She decided to wait until the girl left. Her intuition never failed her, she wouldn't start ignoring it now.

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