"Oh good, this'll be fun!" Reid exclaimed.
Sandy was more skeptical, but he put on a fairly convincing front of near enjoyment "So where do we start?" He asked.
"Sounds promising" Reid agreed "Is Mist coming? She needs to come"
Sandy started to protest, but just stepped out of the rocket and kept quiet.
"Oh yeah! Mist, transform!" Galaxia shouted. Mist turned into a scaly creature with 2 legs, native to Carrot. "They would know who I was if she stayed in her form." She explained.
"wooooooaaah, that is awesome!" Reid exclaimed "That is just too cool!"
Sandy disliked Mist even more now, but decided that she could probably smell fear and tried to remain calm.
Mist hissed at Sandy."She senses hatred." Galaxia explained. "Reid, I can get you a cool pet. Maybe not as cool as Mist, but almost as cool as Mist.Here boy!" She called. A mix between a dog and a bird appeared. "He can fly too. You can name him. I have his brother named Fog. Yes. Fog and Mist. He is even rarer than Mist, but he cannot fly a rocket. But other than that he and mist are similar. You will have to build up his trust."
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Reid whistled "Wow, he's amazing!" Reid exclaimed "Thank you Galaxia! I will name him Phoenix and I will love him forever!" He dropped down to his knees and held his hand out to the creature, who shyed away.
Sandy scowled, pulling up his hood.
"Mist, tell him he can trust Reid." Mist and Phoenix appeared to have a silent talk, and then Phoenix walked up to Reid. Phoenix growled at Sandy, and Galaxia grew suspicious. "Sandy, I can get you a pet that won't hate you! " Galaxia forced a laugh.
Reid gently stroked Phoenix's head "Hey Buddy" He said quietly.
"Good luck" Sandy scoffed "I have a knack with every living thing that seems to always earn me a place of distaste" Subconsciously he knew what it was, but fixing it would mean making too much of himself known, and he wasn't ready for that.
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