The Aloha Chicken Project

Oh, geez, and since we're talking about new stock and all that, IDEAL called me, and my Speckled Sussex pullets are on the way!

They will be here tomorrow or Friday. I also added a couple Partridge Rock roosters, to (maybe) try and cross with all the little Ginger hens and try to develop an "improved" Ginger line. Since I needed to "pad" the order anyway for warmth, why not?

In my head, I am already crossing this adorable mostly-white son of Little Yellow Legs to the most spotty Ideal Sussex hens . . . . to create SUPER spotties with the yellow leg gene.
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Heather, I would like to know more about the male female genetics.

Here is a picture of my Aloha roo.
Wow, he has a really crazy comb! It's like upright - but thick? I don't think I have seen anything quite like that before! Is it rounded on the top with no points?

I swear some of these early Alohas have had the most wild comb shapes!!!

But here's the good news. Remember the comb thing is for a reason, to help sex the chicks earlier. It really is helping a bunch. This latest group of chicks, the upright comb on the Little Yellow Legs pen, the boys are popping out like crazy.

It would be really fun (again, if I only had room!) to try and sex a group by comb at an early age (like now - 8 weeks or so?) and then keep them another month, to see how successful it was. If I was more into eating the boys, and planned to raise them all to adulthood anyway, that would be a fun experiment. I think Stephen is kind of into raising them for food - he did process all of his roosters last year. I wonder if he'd let me try that? LOL!
Yeah Buff Sussex chicks!!!!!!

Wow, he has a really crazy comb!  It's like upright - but thick?  I don't think I have seen anything quite like that before!  Is it rounded on the top with no points?

I swear some of these early Alohas have had the most wild comb shapes!!!

But here's the good news.  Remember the comb thing is for a reason, to help sex the chicks earlier.  It really is helping a bunch.  This latest group of chicks, the upright comb on the Little Yellow Legs pen, the boys are popping out like crazy.  

It would be really fun (again, if I only had room!) to try and sex a group by comb at an early age (like now - 8 weeks or so?) and then keep them another month, to see how successful it was.  If I was more into eating the boys, and planned to raise them all to adulthood anyway, that would be a fun experiment.  I think Stephen is kind of into raising them for food - he did process all of his roosters last year.  I wonder if he'd let me try that?  LOL!

His comb is so crazy because during one of the really cold days, he decided he wanted to escape the coop life and struck out on his own. He ended up spending all night out by himself and he got frostbite. He lost all the tips. :D
Yeah Buff Sussex chicks!!!!!!
His comb is so crazy because during one of the really cold days, he decided he wanted to escape the coop life and struck out on his own. He ended up spending all night out by himself and he got frostbite. He lost all the tips.
Freaking escape artist Alohas!!!!
Hi sommer, just updating you on the hatch, all the numbered eggs are developing, 1 pullet egg is still going. Hatch day is Friday the 19th, and I'm very excited. I hope to hold back a few to start my own aloha improvement flock. I have read on this thread about aloha ameracaunas. Can you direct me to someone who may be working on the project? I'd love to have a spotted blu/green egg layer.
I have been following this thread and really love these chickens. I read the "standard" you posted. I am a noobie pretty much as far as chicken raising, only been at it a couple years. I have a variety of breeds, mostly hatchery birds, and some bantams that came from feral birds. I have hatched some of my own eggs and some shipped eggs, some under a broody hen and some a friend with cabinet incubators hatched from me. I have a couple of them I would like some input on whether I could get aloha type chickens from them. They would be banty size tho not LF.

This is a little rooster from a banty rooster and EE. Yes, I know aloha shouldn't have muffs. Am most concerned about color right now. (?) He does have yellow legs.

Am not sure of exact parentage on this hen, but she could have had the same banty rooster father as the previous bird, so they would be half brother/sister I THINK, altho I could be wrong because I THINK she is one my friend hatched for me and sometimes the chicks get mixed up, however, friend does not have any bantys. This one almost has a laced type feathering.

I do have another similar rooster somewhat darker w/o yellow legs. I like the pictured rooster better tho, he was the last broody chicken egg to hatch and very precocious. I have about 10 roosters that I am taking for processing this weekend (very hard thing for me, I wasn't raised on a farm and the chicks are pets, but too many roosters, so it is either that or dragging them to a swap, where who knows what happens to them.)
Thanks for the input. I will probably eventually get some SFH or Sussex, but am kind of overlaoded with chicks and hatching eggs right now.
Oh, geez, and since we're talking about new stock and all that, IDEAL called me, and my Speckled Sussex pullets are on the way!
Now I'm really worried. My Exchequer Leghorns were supposed to ship yesterday with arrival today or tomorrow, but I haven't had a call from Ideal - I didn't know to expect one. And, when I check my credit card transactions, there isn't one for Ideal. Normally transactions show up on the website within minutes they are approved, (i.e., if I shop online, I can see the transaction almost immediately after placing the order), I'm worried the lack of a call combined with no transaction showing up means they never shipped. I guess I'll have to go and give them a call and make sure the chicks actually shipped. Surely if you have a confirmed ship date they would call if something went wrong and they couldn't ship on that date?

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