The Aloha Chicken Project

They would be banty size tho not LF.
There already is basically an "Aloha Chicken" in Banty size! It's called the Olandsk Dwarf and was recently imported here by Greenfire as well. It is also from Sweden.

There's also a thread on here about them:

You should totally check them out if you're interested in Banty-sized "Alohas"!

We are really trying to get the size up on these guys, currently the hens are about "Leghorn" size (3-5 pounds) and our goal is to have hens in the 6-8 pound range. But you should totally check out the Olandsk, they are very pretty banty sized chickens. Basically if we get something that looks like that (super spotty!) in a BIG chicken it will be great!
I called and they said I should have got an email (I didn't) but that they did ship yesterday. She seemed to be looking up tracking information and said they would be delivered this morning. Our mail carrier came shortly after that but only put a few envelopes in the mail box and drove on
Being a rural route, normally the mail carrier brings everything (in the city they had a letter carrier and a separate delivery for packages but not out here). So maybe they won't get here until tomorrow now. I'm really worried about them after the winter storm we had yesterday....
I just went and checked my email spam and trash folders and found the email(s) in the trash. I think I know what happened. They were from a "do not reply" mailbox, and I think I used to get a lot of spam that way so I set a rule to send anything with "do not reply" directly to the trash. So I'm glad I looked. They sent two emails that appear to be identical, but they didn't go out until 6:09 and 6:10pm. I guess I figured all their shipping would happen in the morning. Now I don't know if they shipped in the morning but didn't send the emails until evening, or if they didn't box them up and ship them until evening. There was no tracking number in the email so I can't use that to determine where they are. Where is that "biting nails" smiley?
I'm doing the same thing here - mine did not arrive today. Poor babies!!! Hope they are OK. No tracking number here either.

idunno.gif's hoping both shipments make it without any issues. Let us know as soon as you can after yours arrive please, and I'll do the same. I have the brooder all set up and ready for them with food, water and EcoGlow. This morning I turned on the EcoGlow so it would be ready to slip them under. This afternoon, when it was clear they weren't coming today, I turned it off again.
This morning I turned on the EcoGlow so it would be ready to slip them under. This afternoon, when it was clear they weren't coming today, I turned it off again.
That sounds like serious Empty Nest Syndrome.

At least I have a new batch of Aloha chicks hatching! So there are some babies here for me right now. These are sales chicks, and it looks like so far this group may be sold out via pre-sale? Don't know yet, I had four people email me via Cragislist for an ad I put up a week ago, advertising them for $2 each. If they all came through, in fact, I will be oversold on this batch and someone will have to wait for more to arrive on the 15th. I am very encouraged by the response. They sold like mad at $1 per chick but I think any chicks would sell great at that cheap price. I wasn't sure how they would sell at $2 each? Considering they are straight run and so many folks in Phoenix are not allowed to keep roosters. All of our local feed stores sell pullets only, except for Banties which are only available from the hatchery as a straight run. So straight run is a serious negative around here.

So it's encouraging. If sales lag and chicks start to pile up, then I will offer them to the neighbors for $1 each. But at least that way, if I sell cheap to the neighbors, they may stay in my neighborhood where I can come back and "spy" on them later . . . in case anything really good pops up. Maybe I can buy it back. ROFL!!!
There already is basically an "Aloha Chicken" in Banty size! It's called the Olandsk Dwarf and was recently imported here by Greenfire as well. It is also from Sweden.

There's also a thread on here about them:

You should totally check them out if you're interested in Banty-sized "Alohas"!

We are really trying to get the size up on these guys, currently the hens are about "Leghorn" size (3-5 pounds) and our goal is to have hens in the 6-8 pound range. But you should totally check out the Olandsk, they are very pretty banty sized chickens. Basically if we get something that looks like that (super spotty!) in a BIG chicken it will be great!
Wow, they are cute! Well, no reason to reinvent the wheel!
BUT I have a friend with some speckeled sussex eggs incubating and my other friend has some sussex mixes, so I guess I will play around and see what happens. My brother lives in Sedona BTW, but he is not into chickens!
That sounds like serious Empty Nest Syndrome.
That is too funny! The odd thing is, I had a hatch going on yesterday and today myself. But I am just so anxious to see how these Exchequer Leghorns turn out, and knowing they're in a box somewhere "out there" vs. tucked up warm in my little brooder like the chicks that hatched here....yeah, I guess you could call it Empty Nest Syndrome LOL.

That's great they are selling so well down there. I sold most of my hatch yesterday, to a local lady by word of mouth. I hadn't advertised but she is a friend of a friend and eager to start into chickens so when she heard I was hatching, she asked to buy some from me. I was happy to let her have some knowing I have the big shipment coming.

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