The Aloha Chicken Project



These are Red mottled Leghorns, pics came off of Google, and first pic is from North Ireland Rare Poultry, yellow legs, SFH coloring, there are some blue versions of the hens, only problem would be body shape and size.
Well, it was interesting today! I went to pick up at the post office, and they said "We have your boxes". Er, boxes - plural?

Long story short, Ideal goofed and sent me my order PLUS someone else's. It was a box of Barred Holland, never heard of those before today, but unfortunately they are not a very strong breed apparently because there are only 10 still alive now. (Most were d.o.a.)

Thankfully, my Sussex were FEISTY and healthy! Yay!

I had to "pad the box" and ordered a couple of Partridge Rock roos. Strangely, they also arrived d.o.a. which is kind of surprising, I thought Rocks were kind of tough?

Sad about the losses and feel bad for the person who didn't get their order of Hollands, but happy that of all of them, the Sussex proved to be the strongest of the bunch. That bodes well for the Aloha program's future.

Since I have a brooder full of sale chicks, I found a local BYC'er to help foster the babies and OMG it was so hard to let go of these Sussex for even a minute . . . but I have to trust that the foster family will take good care of them. They had the most spoiled chickens I've ever seen which was a good sign. Not only were they doing the fermented feed thing, but they had a tank of mealworms they raise to treat the chickens with!

If I knew that I'd be getting this order ahead of time, of course I would have the brooder free for a couple weeks, but since it was like Ideal called a few days ago out of the blue, and SURPRISE! they have some, I couldn't pass it up even if it's scary having a stranger help out! And let me tell you, three of these babies, at only a few days old, already have white wing feathers!!! So I'll be crossing my fingers that they will be in good hands. Scott, the foster "dad" his chickens were so tame they came up to you like puppies and would let you just pet them. It was crazy! I know if anything happens to these chicks in their care, it certainly wouldn't be on purpose. But I'll still be a total nervous nellie until I get a few of them back. (Bites nails.)
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Very nice.

It is so nice to see all the little yellow legs in this batch of Exchequers as well. Some have much more yellow legs than others. I also ordered a few other chicks of different breeds, all that have yellow legs. I had hatched some chicks of my own the same day so I threw them in the same brooder and realized this morning I can't tell my hatched chicks from the shipped chicks. I started looking for chicks without yellow legs - there aren't any. Then it hit me. The sire of my hatched chicks was a Welsummer....who has yellow legs. So even the chicks I hatched wound up with yellow legs!

Overcast light was good for photos yesterday. Wanted to show more pics of the chest of Raymond's Roo. Yes, he is barred, but look at the amount of white on his chest and the lack of black color on there. He contains absolutely zero Swedish Flower blood. I have him in with my Mille Swedish hens (two purebred) and some light half Swedish half Aloha hens. I am hoping he will increase the amount of white on the chicks and keep the size and base colors light. Unfortunately, laying has slowed in that pen this last week. I guess the Swedish did not appreciate the 90 degree temps. Laying is still going like crazy on the smaller foundation Aloha hens and the Sussex.
For some reason I received a slew of back BYC posting so I am catching up.

I really like this guy, especially since he does not have any black feathering. I hope you get some nice offspring from him. Please post pictures of the hen you have him with.

It is so nice to see all the little yellow legs in this batch of Exchequers as well.  Some have much more yellow legs than others.  I also ordered a few other chicks of different breeds, all that have yellow legs.  I had hatched some chicks of my own the same day so I threw them in the same brooder and realized this morning I can't tell my hatched chicks from the shipped chicks.  I started looking for chicks without  yellow legs - there aren't any.  Then it hit me.  The sire of my hatched chicks was a Welsummer....who has yellow legs.  So even the chicks I hatched wound up with yellow legs!

I know it isn't funny, but that is funny. Sounds like something I would do.

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