The Aloha Chicken Project

Stephen has a lot of culled hens that he needs to list on Craigslist. I offered to take some to my house to try and sell. He's about an hour north of town, so sometimes folks don't want to drive up that far if they are down here by me. So I randomly grabbed a pair of yellow hens with pink legs. We already took the yellow legged, yellow bodied hens and put those in the Jorge's roo breeder pen. Anyway, I turn around and look at the hen. And I notice something:

Look at the photo above. Do you see it?

White feather tip.

She's pretty heavy, and very calm temperament. So what the heck, tossed her in with Raymond's roo. Cross your fingers and hope, I guess.

I'd love to put her with Pumpkin-roo but his pen is getting crowded. I may cull and rearrange some of the breeder pens to give the other pens more room.
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i did see that feather tip. a grandaughter of cheeto? or no relation?
i was most interested in hatching the large swedish eggs at first but honestly i will hatch whatever you want me to. whatever you are most excited about and dont have room/time for. for instance the ??? pen that you say will have a lot of culls. i can incubate oh 50 or so eggs (at a time) maybe 35 hatch. first cull at around 1-2 weeks will be for leg color and that alone could cut the number in half. then i have the space that i wont have to cull again for a few months so can weed out some obvious roosters then cull again in another month. then you can have the results. it will give me something to do over the summer :) and i like spending time with the chicks and wondering what colors we will get.
They just need to be a whole lot bigger. Hmmmm . . . . .

How to do that? There's the million dollar question!
I might have my two cents worth answer. Take your best colored roo and mix it with those hens, size doesn't matter. Then take the roos from that cross and mix it with your BIGGEST hen, and I mean BIGGEST HEN. After that, take the biggest hens and mix it with the best colored roos for your final product until it becomes perfect.
I think Sommer has some that are both mottled and barred.
Yep, we had a Black Barred + Mottled. She looked really really cool as a chick, but by the time she grew up, the spots were very hard to see. Kind of a flop. Just looked like a normal barred chicken, pretty much.

The "crele" or "creole" or "golden cuckoo" color shows the spots better.
knjinnm - here's the roo from post #1281

This rooster is in with a good group of hens right now.

2 - pure Swedish Flower, golden "mille fleur" hens

2 - half Swedish Flower, half Aloha, golden "mille fleur" hens

1 - half Swedish Flower, half Aloha, light golden brown mottled hen

1 - orange/mottled hen, granddaughter of Cheeto, displays visible spotting

Nui - the huge half Aloha, half Sussex hen

1 - just added - the solid Buff hen with one white feather tip from Cheeto lines. (She is big!)

(Plus - two other hens that have gone broody so are not laying, so they don't really count right now.)

I can't wait to see the chicks!!!!
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My first aloha hatch went into lockdown today. Fingers crossed!
I'm also looking for some culled layers if anyone has any.......
YAY! Are you ready for more eggs yet? ROFL!

Hey, Stephen was going to list a huge group of Aloha culls for sale. Some of them were experiments where Derek crossed a red/white spotted rooster over huge Buff Orp hens.

Stephen and I haven't tried them for the Aloha program because I've kind of held off now on adding more "yellow chicken" crosses, because we had a really hard time getting spots on the Buff Rock offspring. HOWEVER - these hens are terrific layers, and he really needs to move some of them out of there! I don't know what he was going to charge, I had suggested he ask just $15 each because he's up in New River so he may need to price them pretty low to get folks to drive up there. He says they are awesome layers. Plus if you went up there, you could see all the other Aloha breeder pens he has set up. We also had TWO decent Aloha hens in the mix, that we just didn't have a place for right now. I would LOVE it if you would go and buy them from Stephen!!!

Anyway, I took a few pics of Stephen's culls so he could list them on Craigslist:

These two hens are the best of the "culls" with spots. And if you look behind the spotted hen in this one pic, do you see the BIG yellow hen going into the bucket? She's half Aloha.

There is nothing really "wrong" with these spotty hens, especially the Ginger hen. We just have about six Ginger hens already in the breeder pens at this point.

Here are more culls from his place:

Spotty hen in foreground has gray legs so was culled. Hens behind her are half Aloha, half Buff Orp.

Buff Orp/Aloha hen. She is HUGE.

Black chicken is NOT aloha - was given to Stephen. Hen with spotted chest, wrong color eyes. Yellow hens are half Aloha.

Here is a very odd one that MIGHT be sold. I can find out for you if she's still available or if the gal is going up there.

She's yellow in front and white in back. LOL! Anyone ever seen that before? Is this even a color?

Will PM you with Stephen's phone number but I thought everyone might want to look at some of the Aloha culls. Or in the case of the Ginger hen, the random hen that didn't make it into a breeder pen for some unknown reason. LOL! I should snag her and toss her in with the new Sussex roo or something, I guess? I think she just was one of those crafty hens that wouldn't let us catch her or something!
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