The Aloha Chicken Project

I'm hoping when spring really gets here, they will pick up the pace. Sorry for the vent earlier - I was feeling SO frustrated with them. I kept 7 of the hens and they are wonderfully mottled so if I can ever get some eggs out of them, I'm really excited to move onto the next stage of the project.
I've been watching and drooling over the Aloha chickens for awhile. I wish I could get a few, but I couldn't really breed them for the goals you have, since I don't have any of those breeds that are being used for "improving". But, I just love the colorful chickens! However, I prefer chickens with small combs, not single combs, due to our cold weather. And it doesn't get really warm here consistently until May, although I've had chicks shipped here the beginning of April for several years. But, I just wanted to let you know that Alohas are on my "list" if ever it would be possible to get some. I probably couldn't keep all of the chicks necessary to have them shipped, but since I don't know of anyone around here with chickens that look like these, I could probably find homes for the extra.
Hi Aloha! You gave me 40 eggs and said I'd probably get a 50% hatch rate since some were a couple weeks old. 28 of them hatched! Woohoo! They are.. 2 weeks old now. I'll keep you posted so you can pick out whether you want some for your project. :) I was so excited that that many still hatched! :)
Hi Aloha! You gave me 40 eggs and said I'd probably get a 50% hatch rate since some were a couple weeks old. 28 of them hatched! Woohoo! They are.. 2 weeks old now. I'll keep you posted so you can pick out whether you want some for your project.
I was so excited that that many still hatched!
Yay! How awesome. I can't wait to see how they look. I have some babies here that are half grown and so far they look so cool! They change a lot though, so you won't know the final results until they are 4+ months old.
just wanted to pop in to tell you that one of the alohas i gave to my friend in PHX is a broody mama. she was so proud telling me about mom and chicks, like a grandma. also found out that they ended up keeping 2 roosters (they were hoping their neighbors wouldnt care) turns out their neighbors LOVE the chickens, roosters and all. makes them feel like they're not in the city. she said one of the boys is huge and i'm pretty sure they both have yellow legs. i'm trying to fit it in my schedule to get over there and see what they can offer the program. i'm just worried she wont like my ideas to cull the so so and keep the best - she is so attached. very good chicken mom, probably not the best for a project breeder, lol
just wanted to pop in to tell you that one of the alohas i gave to my friend in PHX is a broody mama. she was so proud telling me about mom and chicks, like a grandma. also found out that they ended up keeping 2 roosters (they were hoping their neighbors wouldnt care) turns out their neighbors LOVE the chickens, roosters and all. makes them feel like they're not in the city. she said one of the boys is huge and i'm pretty sure they both have yellow legs. i'm trying to fit it in my schedule to get over there and see what they can offer the program. i'm just worried she wont like my ideas to cull the so so and keep the best - she is so attached. very good chicken mom, probably not the best for a project breeder, lol
That's awesome, make sure to take pics! I hope she hatches out some fuzzy babies to love. Even a few in a backyard flock is good! It's still genetic diversity and another "safe house" for the breed.
we are incubating some of her eggs for the schools spring hatch. her eggs have an amazing 100% fertility rate, even tho she gave me the eggs in a ziploc bag! i thought for sure something bad would happen because of lack of oxygen. now we just hope for 100% hatch rate, lol
Is my rooster an Aloha? I bought him at The Stock Shop. There were 3, I bought 2 but one died.



He was young when I got him and silly me assumed he was a hen... never wanted to own a roo. But I'm so glad I didn't realize he was one, I love him :D

And since I had a roo... I bought an incubator. My first batch hatched last week :D And I am thrilled all 7 did! (Brinsea Mini Advance)

My hens are two brahmas (a light and a dark) so while they won't be Alohas, I can't wait to see what they end up looking like :)



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