The Aloha Chicken Project

I love your cubes - he did a really nice job on them! Last year I had water under the creep as well and it does help for the chicks not to have to compete with the adults for water on the really hot days. I haven't done that yet this year because ever since these chicks hatched its been rainy so water sources haven't been an issue.

Deerfield, FWIW, I didn't specifically rest the eggs I brought home from Alohachickens two years ago. After their bumpy ride in my suitcase and their trip down the carousel I had convinced myself they were scrambled and even decided there was really no point setting them. But, my new R-Com incubator had arrived during my absence and I did want to try it out so the day after I arrived home I fired it up and put the eggs into it. I didn't rest them per se, although they did rest overnight in my suitcase, standing upright in the living room! You know the story ends with 17 of 18 hatching. But who knows if it was the rest period of the airplane ride that accounts for that
So, Sommer, do you recommend "resting" the eggs for 24 or 48 hours? Draye, how long did you "rest" your eggs before incubating?

I really didn't rest mine. They arrived later than when I was setting. So if young call it resting I picked them up at the PO at 9:00 am and around 4 or 5 o'clock that after noon.
You know I have to take that back. I did put them straight into the 'bator. But I didn't turn the tuner on until 4 to 5 p.m. The next day. I just used something on one side to simulate turning for day. I switched it up about three times during the day until I turned it on. I just thought about that when you trashed. Sorry. I think though that some folks don't let them rest.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and pray that you get a good hatch.
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You know I have to take that back. I did put them straight into the 'bator. But I didn't turn the tuner on until 4 to 5 p.m. The next day. I just used something on one side to simulate turning for day. I switched it up about three times during the day until I turned it on. I just thought about that when you trashed. Sorry. I think though that some folks don't let them rest.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and pray that you get a good hatch.
Draye, what was your hatch rate again on the shipped eggs? I just want to keep track, and see what Deerfield gets vs. your success.

I'm going to ship Deerfield a second batch, while the hens are still laying, so we can also compare two shipments from the same exact route! Won't it be interesting to see how the two compare?
Draye, what was your hatch rate again on the shipped eggs?  I just want to keep track, and see what Deerfield gets vs. your success.

I'm going to ship Deerfield a second batch, while the hens are still laying, so we can also compare two shipments from the same exact route!  Won't it be interesting to see how the two compare?  
Wild guess here cause u can't really remember too old to keep it in my mind. Had it written down but can't find my book. People are always moving my stuff around.

It was somewhere between 65 a d 70%.
Oh 5moore, I love those birds! And yellow legs! Just beautiful. I hope they hold their spots. Have you had this color before that held their spots? I'm hoping mine do. That is so cool. I would love a whole flock that looked just like that. I still have to get yellow legs on mine, which is what I am hoping to accomplish crossing back to what I get from the hatching eggs. I'm waiting patiently on my eggs, they will be here by tomorrow, I think!

I hope whoever attacked the first box, is off duty when the next one comes through! What kind of person thinks to just randomly stab a box marked fragile. So weird and disturbing.

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