The Aloha Chicken Project

I got the biggest compliment on the Alohas yesterday. A big, burly construction guy is prepping a site for a concrete slab over here, for my boyfriend's new shop. At the end of the day, when they were done running the equipment, I let the chickens out to roam for a bit. He said, "Your chickens are really neat. I've never seen chickens that look like these. They have all those different colors. They don't look like regular chickens. They look more like . . . pets."

That's EXACTLY the reason I'm working on this project! If a layperson can look at the Alohas and say they don't look like "regular chickens" that's perfect. Hopefully once this is a regular breed, it would be people like him who decide to get chickens for the first time who would pick these over the "regular chickens". And, I think the fact each of them looks different helps people see them as individual living, breathing, animals - not just a mass of egg-making "things".
Everyone who comes to my house thinks my chickens look like pets... probably because they love me (and are addicted to the stale animal crackers I keep in a big jar near the door that leads to their yard!) The monsters follow me around in a hoard. Even when we are chasing one to catch it, the others are right behind us, friendly as ever.

MaBo told me that all 5 of my eggs that hatched (the others quit on us) came out Yellow. Just...yellow. I will not be discouraged, though. 3+ of my original Alohas were yellow, and 4 more were yellow with stripes or spots. And even the 'boring' pair (mind you I said PAIR- out of 7 yellow chicks only two came out spotless) were still lovely.

Still, I look forward to seeing what color their juvenile feathers come in...I hope they get spots, even if they loose them later.
Everyone who comes to my house thinks my chickens look like pets... probably because they love me (and are addicted to the stale animal crackers I keep in a big jar near the door that leads to their yard!) The monsters follow me around in a hoard. Even when we are chasing one to catch it, the others are right behind us, friendly as ever.

I prefer to call them my "chicken minions". lol!

Mine do the same thing - my boyfriend had to videotape it. The big wolfpack of Alohas. You could get dizzy with all those spots swimming around you. All of them follow me around in a great big mass! They sure don't like to be petted but always have to be in your business.
MaBo told me that all 5 of my eggs that hatched (the others quit on us) came out Yellow. Just...yellow. I will not be discouraged, though. 3+ of my original Alohas were yellow, and 4 more were yellow with stripes or spots. And even the 'boring' pair (mind you I said PAIR- out of 7 yellow chicks only two came out spotless) were still lovely.

Still, I look forward to seeing what color their juvenile feathers come in...I hope they get spots, even if they loose them later.
I can't wait to see these either! Yours are the half Sussex? No, wait - it was a Sussex in there, and an Aloha in there. Hmmm, anything goes! I can't wait to see them, either. And yes, some of my "yellow" babies are totally getting other colors now. Even some black shadings on the wings of some? Which is weird, because they were just solid yellow as newborns!
Yeah! What Laree said . . . we could try and send you more eggs this year.

Especially more from Laree's and Stephen's eggs. New stuff. Really bummed that out of three dozen of Stephen's eggs that he brought me a couple weeks ago, only 13 are developing. So I don't know what Runswithscissors is going to get of his stock. He has some awesome breeder pens! This is a photo of some of Stephen's "keeper" hens. This was taken when they were only four months, so I'm sure they look even better now:

These hens are in a pen with a giant-sized full Sussex rooster:

Here are some more of Stephen's hens with smaller flecks, in a pen with Cheeto's brother! (The solid hen was culled.)

He also has a THIRD breeder pen set up with this older "foundation" Aloha rooster:

This rooster is in a pen with Cheeto's full SISTER. You can imagine why I'm so excited to see the babies!

Maybe later this late spring, when us AZ folks have to give up on hatching 'cause it's getting too hot? We could just send a batch of eggs to you guys and see what happens! They lay well into June but it's brutal on the chicks to hatch out in July or August because that's when temps are around 110, so we're stuck spinning our wheels all summer long . . . sigh!

We can always send you more eggs....MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
Speaking of which: I am not setting eggs again until the 17th of March. Sommer: I will collect eggs from the breeeder pen and set them aside for you. OKalie Dokalie?
did you have any more interest out midwest way? i'm heading to kansas in about 3 weeks and still willing to deliver whatever is deliverable.

I haven't heard anything but if someone on here is from Kansas and wants in, speak now or forever hold their peace! 'Cause "Notinoz" could deliver Aloha eggs . . . and I know she'd handle them a lot better than the Post Office would, ha ha ha!
i'll be traveling along I-40, hwy 54, then I-35 if anyone cares to meet along the way i certainly would handle them with care

oh, however my babies of course are not laying eggs, lol. so i'll just be the delivery person for whatever eggs are laying for you or laree. and i'm not opposed to traveling with chicks. as a matter of fact on my way back home i'm bringing home rabbits that my grandma will bring up from arkansas. i am such a lucky girl. she wanted to give me blue frizzle cochins as well, but i havent been able to talk DH into that...
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