The American Cemani Breeders forum

I think it would be funny if such a crossbreed were called 'Ayam Svart' for the sound, but 'svart' and 'cemani' both mean 'black' in their respective languages. Now mix some Olmec Quechua birds into the mix. THAT would be interesting!

<peeking in on 4 peepers that hatched overnight.>
Hello everyone! I purchased a GFF trio in September of 2014. One of my hens has recently started laying. I've hatched egg one. My dog smashed #2 and I found #3 broke on the ground. She has since given me four more eggs. They are in the incubator now and due 4-9-2015. The following pics are of my first egg and the chick at 11 days old. I will add pics of her parents soon.
I kept my GFF trio outside the first part of winter and he got frost bite on his comb. I quickly moved them into my garage and he has since healed and proven fertile. The following pics are of my rooster and hen that is currently laying.
My Cemani partner and I are looking for an unrelated AC roo to put over our Michael Bean hens. We think we'll get more vigor and better survival rate at hatching (quite apart from any color improvements that may occur).

Does anyone here have a spare TM, GFF, or other unrelated-strain roo you're willing to part with? We understand the expense of shipping live poultry on top of the asking price.
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I think the answer to this question - how do people get positives for listings with stolen pictures - is this: I think most people who are purchasing these cheap eggs don't know or care that the pictures are taken from elsewhere. They just see the listing and want the birds. it is customary with eggs to leave feedback based on the condition of the eggs upon arrival. If you receive eggs and do not realize that the shell color is all wrong for the breed, and if they are intact...that is what you rate. As an eBay seller myself, I understand the temptation to use someone else's pictures if they are much better than what you can take yourself, even if you truly have an identical item to sell. Of course, if you don't have the item to sell, you could use that excuse, adding, "Oh, my camera is broken," and people might accept it.
I lot of people are naive. They believe the sellers are only using their own pictures. I don't think it's a matter of they don't care. I think it just never occurs to them that pictures are frequently stolen.

IOM it's never ok to use someone else's picture, even if the auction is for the exact same item, especially animals or used items. Used phones "with minor scratches" have no business showing stock images of new phones. But, unless I am constantly monitoring all the auctions and chat boards, just how do I know who's stealing photos? If I do an image search, and photos are not watermarked, who do they really belong to?

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