The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

white isn't easily noticeable unless you open the feathers?
Most of my birds keep their under-fluff color. Dino, my rooster, going on 5, still has gray under-fluff, & so does his sister who's going on 4. They've also haven't changed in the color rest of their feathers neither. They're just a couple examples.
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To clarify my question: I think/hope that the sex linking would appear as a lighter or darker "chipmunk" down pattern (somewhat similar to what you see with bielefelder or cream legbar chicks). Do you agree?

But I have some uncertainty regarding the interaction of the cream from the Legbar and the mahogany from the Welsummer. Is there any reason for me to expect either of those two genes to visually obscure the difference between chicks with a barred allele and chicks without barred allele? Or would there not be a problem since all chicks would have one of each mahogany and cream alleles and essentially show a mahogany phenotype?

Thanks again so much for sharing your knowledge!
Hello Nicalandia - Thank you so much for taking questions! That's very kind of you to take the time to share your knowledge.

I have been thinking about barred sex links. If we put a Welsummer roo over a Cream Legbar hen, would you expect the chicks be visually sex-linked?
No sex links nor Autosexing can be achieve in wildtype chick down with Heterozygous barring, the males will be basically indistinguishable from females because one copy of barring is NOT enough to dilute the males chick down and not enough to produce any visible head-spot. CCL Female chicks are proof of that.

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I believe I have E^R genetics in my flock. Can you confirm or deny this for me? I’m also trying to figure out breast color if you could help. I’m mostly just trying to differentiate why some grew in different breast colors and what it means.

I’ve hatched 3 duck wing-looking males at this point in time, theoretically fathered by one of two roosters i don’t know the origin of. They both looked duckwing patterned though, one having red leakage on his chest. 2/3 of these chicks hatched out blue/black at hatch, and feathered in noticeably reddish breasts. The third hatched in chipmunk down, and feathered in a black breast. Is breast color and hatching down color linked to base genetics in males?

#1- unknown mother. Red-breasted

#2- Welsummer mother. Mostly Black-breasted

#3- Blue mixed hen mother. Mother was split for E/something else. Red-breasted

Sorry for the long post. Are their colors the cause of E^R in comparison to e+, or is something else going on? I can get more photos of them or their parents if necessary.

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