The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

More Brassy Backs, but normal Duckwing.
Thank you! If I can't find what I want in hatching eggs from an NPIP flock I'll just start with Cackle stock in rosecomb and brassyback OEGB.

Don't know what I would do with out this place on the internet.🥰
Got a new one that may interest you.

Two of my 8 month old PBA in USA Project pullets have started laying, & they lay colored eggs. One lays a Teal(Blue Green), the other lays a Glossy Blue.
How common is this in Orientals, especially the old bloodlines?

The egg is darker in real life.
Teal egg from my Blue Duckwing Malay Pullet.(She's in the front)View attachment 3754861View attachment 3754863Glossy Blue from the Splash Duckwing Malay Pullet.(On the right)View attachment 3754865View attachment 3754872

Just a recap: Their Father is Long, his Father is Goliath, Long's mother wasn't named, but a very beautiful Shrimp Tailed, short beaked Malay hen.

These pullets had the same mother as Long.

Don't take this the wrong way, but... Isn't Long one of your birds that was off-type for a Malay anyway? Wouldn't this kinda be more proof that he's not purebred after all?
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