The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread


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These two FBCM chicks have the same father and mother... can some one explain why the left one is so much lighter?

They're 7 total, that's the only one like that....
The lighter chick will probably feather out darker or lean toward being more black. If it's a cockerel it'll likely be darker than the normal Marans rooster, if it's a pullet it could be almost black.
If a chick happened to have a mutation or something else and had a partial 3rd foot, would it definitely face forwards like the real two feet, or could it have formed to face backwards?

I had a chick that I ended up losing, but his back toes were so long and his scaling was absent below the back toes unlike my normal polydacyls, so my mom was thinking he might have had partial foots instead of the toes.

I can attach photos I have of the feet after I found him deceased, but they're not super great.
Pictures would be helpful
Pictures would be helpful
He was already on the compost pile when I thought to get some pictures and something snagged him this morning. The second back toe just appears almost the same length as the middle front toe.

And in the second picture, you can see a line where the soft foot skin meets the scales going up to the extra toes.
He was already on the compost pile when I thought to get some pictures and something snagged him this morning.

Just a friendly reminder, it might be problematic from a disease burden standpoint to compost dead birds. Even if it's not accessible to your live birds, other critters can track bacteria and viruses over a big distance. When we have a loss, we either seal up chicks and put them out in the garbage, or for larger birds we dig a deep hole and bury. But according to best practices, apparently one should be burning them. I just don't want to deal with that though :/

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