The Baby Is Here!!! **UPDATE AGAIN POST 9**

Iowa Roo Mom

Resistance Is Futile
11 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Keokuk County
Well, with everyone seeming to have happy, healthy babies on here I figure it can't hurt to ask for some prayers and good thoughts...
A very dear friend of mine is pregnant. In fact, she is due in less than a month. So, why the need for prayers now, you ask? Well, she is diabetic and has preeclampsia. She has had to go to Iowa City (an hour and a half away) for her checks which since she is so near her due date, are now twice a week, and include an ultrasound weekly and a non-stress test twice each week.
It's true that she has gotten through alot alreay by simply making it this far. I just hope that in less than October, there will be another happy, healthy bouncing baby boy to report here!!!

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I did not have diabetes but had preeclampsia and was hospitalized a LOT with my first one. As scary as that whole time was... we--me and baby made it through and she is now a happy healthy 8 year old and she came 5 weeks early and weighed 4.1 but then dropped to 3.7 and got to come home with me after day 4 but had home treatment with a bili-blanket for her biliruben.
I would ask if you are near her miles wise... that even now she could use some help with dinners and such. She should be laying on her left side all the time and only get up to pee... as my dr. put it. And bringing her healthy snack things she can eat and not have to fix would be good too.... veggies and dips, grapes, bananas, cheese and crackers.... her favorite beverage... I wish I reached out to my church then because my church has been a God send lately.
If she has a church I'd see if they know her conditions because they are wonderful people so willing to help those in need.

Prayers for your friend,
They induced her yesterday. The baby was bigger than they expected and could not let her go until her due date.
Today they decided labor is not progressing fast enough, and the baby is not tolerating it well. I just recieved a call a little over an hour ago from her mom (baby's grandmother) that the baby is out- and that is all they have said. I pray no news is good news, and that I haven't recieved another update call with the weight, time, and status of mom simply because they are all enjoying the new baby, and not that something is wrong.
I hope everything is ok!

I'm a type one diabetic and I worry about the day I want to have children. I've never had complications with my diabetes, but there is so much that can go wrong. I actually haven't heard from many type one diabetics that have had children, but I know it is definitely possible.
Well, Liam Scott was born around 10AM this morning. 8 pounds, 11.5 ounces and 21 inches long!

His blood sugar once they got him out was only 23, and he had a bit of fluid around his lungs- so they placed him in NICU. Mom is doing well, although she hasn't seen him yet
They got Liam's blood sugar up, he is on IV's and under the oxygen hood, but they think he will be just fine in a couple of days.

Thanks to everyone for your positive thoughts and prayers

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