The Bantam-lover Chat Thread!


8 Years
Oct 4, 2013
Welcome to my Bantam chat thread!!! Here, bantam fans can post pics, stories, videos, questions, and concerns about Bantams! Cochins and Easter Egger talk is also aloud because they are also small chickens!

*All BYC rules apply.
* No cussing
* Bantam-talk only
* Anyone welcome!

Lets begin!
I'm glad you don't have to own any, because I don't have any yet! :)

I do have a question, however. My youngest daughter lives with me -- she's an adult but functions on a toddler level due to autism and mental retardation. She likes animals, but doesn't spend much time outside (and shouldn't, as she has lupus and vitiligo and can't be in the sun much), so I'm always trying to think of things to keep her entertained in the house besides videos. I was thinking that we might make a big cage with several levels in one corner of the living room, and keep a few bantams in the house for her (they can't be much messier than keeping a cockatiel or two! And I've raised lots of chicks in the house -- for a few weeks, at least.). If I do that, though, I want to choose breeds that would be good layers, partly because we eat a lot of eggs, and partly because she'd love finding eggs from 'her' chickens!

Any recommendations for breeds? I was looking at the breed descriptions at Cackle's website, and it was interesting to see how they've rated each breed, but are those descriptions accurate? (I'm really glad to see the hatcheries making an effort to provide that kind of information.) Right now, if I ordered from Cackle, I think I'd get a few RIR, some Wyandottes (probably Partridge), and maybe Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rocks. Of course, since the bantams are sold straight run, I'll have to raise more than we really want to keep in the house, and cull the extra roosters.


I'm glad you don't have to own any, because I don't have any yet! :)

I do have a question, however. My youngest daughter lives with me -- she's an adult but functions on a toddler level due to autism and mental retardation. She likes animals, but doesn't spend much time outside (and shouldn't, as she has lupus and vitiligo and can't be in the sun much), so I'm always trying to think of things to keep her entertained in the house besides videos. I was thinking that we might make a big cage with several levels in one corner of the living room, and keep a few bantams in the house for her (they can't be much messier than keeping a cockatiel or two! And I've raised lots of chicks in the house -- for a few weeks, at least.). If I do that, though, I want to choose breeds that would be good layers, partly because we eat a lot of eggs, and partly because she'd love finding eggs from 'her' chickens!

Any recommendations for breeds? I was looking at the breed descriptions at Cackle's website, and it was interesting to see how they've rated each breed, but are those descriptions accurate? (I'm really glad to see the hatcheries making an effort to provide that kind of information.) Right now, if I ordered from Cackle, I think I'd get a few RIR, some Wyandottes (probably Partridge), and maybe Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rocks. Of course, since the bantams are sold straight run, I'll have to raise more than we really want to keep in the house, and cull the extra roosters.


Bantam Easter Eggers, Bantam-Cochins, and Mille Fleur Duccles are good egg-layers. They lay 2 to 3 eggs a day.If you do decide to keep some bantam chickens in the house, do make sure you give them a little time outside too.
Here are some links to good bantam chickens:

Thanks for joining my Bantam Fan Chat Thread!!!!
- ChicknsRock

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