Just wanted to share a pic of my Black split Choc male, I really like him. He's very mild mannered, and gentle with his girls.

Just wanted to share a pic of my Black split Choc male, I really like him. He's very mild mannered, and gentle with his girls.

Do the bantam orp roos crow often? Does it sound like a normal orp roo or is it higher pitched like a serama?

My HUGE orp had a very low sounding crow, while my medium EE had a frequent & higher pitched crow. I could compare them to dogs. My big dogs bark less - nothing to prove- but my parents' little dog barks all the time. I know there are exceptions, but I was just wondering if it's a good analogy.
Our little guy doesn't crow very often. He crows in the morning of course but only 10 or 11 times and then he belts out a couple around 5:00 PM and then he is pretty much done for the day. It is a normal sounding crow to me but not as loud as a LF Orp. Our Big Buff roo could wake the dead with his crow! Which is why he no longer lives with us.
Anyone here has hatching bantam orp eggs for sale?? !!!! Still in search! Thanks so much!!
I wish I knew someone in your state that has them. I doubt your state will be letting anything cross state lines for a while due to the Avian Influenza outbreak. All the shows and fairs in the midwest have been cancelled as far as bird exhibits.
I wish I knew someone in your state that has them. I doubt your state will be letting anything cross state lines for a while due to the Avian Influenza outbreak. All the shows and fairs in the midwest have been cancelled as far as bird exhibits.
I'm in IL. Can't figure out why no AI in our state yet ; we're surrounded on all sides. Our swaps, fairs, etc. have not stopped but I can't say I know of anyone willing to attend. Friends in IN say that private sales are OK, but yes, all the big shows & County Fairs are not allowing poultry.
Crazy Cookie Update.
My Cookie went broody in OCT 2014. We talked her out of it, so out of spite, she molted & didn't lay any eggs until Christmas.

Then end of JAN 2015, she went broody again. Again we told her "not a good time!" She finally agreed when the Arctic Blast hit with temps -40 to a balmy -15'F.

March comes, we're ready......Cookie's not. Mid March, she considers it, & a week later, she got her eggs. After taking good care of those chicks for 3 weeks, she started laying eggs. The night after she made the 1st egg, she slept on the roost while the little chicks stayed in the nest.

The chicks are now 7.5 weeks old & as big as she is. Cookie hasn't missed a day since she started laying a few weeks ago. Last night & all day today, she been in the nesting box. Could she seriously be going broody? We've been collecting all the eggs, so she's only sitting on a golf ball. Should I try to give her a cold bath? I'd love another round of chicks, but I'm not sure if it's healthy for Cookie to be a mom again so soon. Any advice?

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