~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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[quote name="Chic CAN" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75090#post_12836562"][quote name="kytkat" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75080#post_12836239"]
[quote name="Chic CAN" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75060#post_12836155"]
[quote name="kytkat" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75040#post_12835747"]
[quote name="Chic CAN" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75000#post_12835139"]
[CONTENTEMBED=/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/74910#post_12830785 layout=inline]​[/CONTENTEMBED]

"I like it.. but so far out.. don't you ever get lonely out here?"  Jack asked.

(having a hard time picking?)


Vlad smirked. "Oh really?" He  brushed the side of her face then did it again.


"Your ways are childlike..... we  tend to be like that for those who have never had to harbor and whittness death of war. Or be tortured be evil darkness."  Nostros sighed.


"Um no... we just kissed...  courting is what happens up until you allow me to become your husband." He informed. "Its growing to love each other."


Kyle smiled. "Alright."  He put some more burrito on her plate.


Kitkat set down the peaches, "It really does get lonely, but hey I make the most of things." She glance over at him.


Azia fell back as she tried to evade it, "Vlad!" she snickered, curling her legs to her chest.


"And are you disagreeing because of it?" Avery folded his arms, looking up. "We try to make the best of things, despite the situation."


"Well I'm sure falling for you...which I'm not sure why." Theniza rolled her eyes, but sprouted a joyful smile. "Alright I guess I will go with your way, since your ways already interest me."


Shade ate more of it, "I like your exotic food here, so yummy." she giggled.

(between Jack and Erol)

"Thats a good attitude to have." He put down the other sack and started sorting them by ripeness.


"What?"  He laughed. "You're too cute not to."  He ticked her side a bit.


"I am not disagreeing with anything.. I was approving."  He smirked.


"Thank.. and it must be my good looks."  Keith teased and winked at her.


Kyle chuckled.


"Tell me do you live alone?" Kitkat questioned searching for the tools for the jam.


"Oh come on I'm not that cute."Azia flushed and grasped his palms before he done anything.


"Oh my bad." Avery sighed, scratching his head. "Anyways, thank you."


"No, more of your personality." Theniza smirked, darting to the surface with his palm.


"hat's so funny?" Shade demanded, not noting the gooey sauce seeping down her chin.

(he he.  Tough choices.. Erol is more shy about affection though)

"Yes I do. But I have family I visit and friends and such."  Jack informed while continuing to sort the peaches.


"Yeah you are.. I see a sweet woman.. great hair... interesting tattoo's... but I see a fierce fighter in there too.  Kinda... hot."  vlad snickered a tad then winked.


"Mhmmm... well Ira will take you to the comms center for you to talk to your kinfolk." Nostros nodded.


He went with her as he didn't have much of a choice.


"I just find your manner.... cute."  He smiled then offered her a napkin.

(Yes. ..but I hope I decide.. .or you can cause a ruckus, so I can only choose one. )

Kitkat surveyed through her memories, and discovered she couldn't remember anyone she knew, other them Erol and Jack. "I have no one. " she muttered, depressed by the thought. She halted sorting the peaches.


Azia dropped her chops as she listened to his glorious comments. "Oh Vlad you're beyond sweet.. and lovable. " she blushed at the ending part.


Avery nodded, "thanks again. " he smirked, walking to the lady. He glance at her, "okay Idna, can you lead me? " He quizzed nicely.


Theniza darted out of the river and fluttered to the clouds. She carried him by his two wrists and granted him stunning, vast wings. "Now learn to fly! " she hollered, holding onto him until he got the idea.


"Oh now stop it. " Shade smiled bubbly. She shunned her face with her hand. "You're kind. "

LOL Oh I am having fun making it hard XD  )

Jack frowned. "How sad...."  He thought. "Maybe you could meet my sister. She is nice. Jut busy with her foals."


"Awww am I?"  He winked. "Your lips are sweet too."

(such a boy)


"Yes." Ira nodded. "This way."  She smiled heading out.


"Wo ho s*** I was not expecting this....."  She had starled Keith and her started to flap out of survival instincts. "Yu have incredible Magic. "


"I try to be... but you are."  Kyle took another bite.[/quote]

(Thanks. .)

Kitkat resumed sorting the peaches after her trance. "I would like that. " She sprouted a pleasing smile. "Is she older or younger then you? "


His compliment caused Azia to shift beet red, "Vlad, good grief. " she faintly snickered. "Why are you saying so many graceful things? "


"Thanks again Ira. " Avery expressed a friendly smile as he tagged along.


Theniza snickered at his exploding actions, "Come on Kieth I know you can pull this off. By the way since we are courting, how do you celebrate it? " she quizzed, aiding him the knowledge of flight.


"I know tthat, you told me already. " Shade winked, finishing off her part of the burrito.[/quote]
(lol welcome XD you know it makes for dramatic fun :p)

"Older." Jack informed. "I am the baby."  He smirked


"I mean them... "  He shrugged. "You look good in that shade too."  He  lightly touched her nose. "Am I not allowed to be charming? I am only a dork around my brother."


"Of course."  She gracefully walked along the floor. "What do you think of our King?"


"Um... we just express our affections and learn to love each other.. Our way to wed is to mate.. though some have honored ceremonies to their brides."  Keith felt he may hav cought a current and started to soar.


"Well I  meant it."  He smirked.

(ha! Very true. :p )

"Hmm I ponder on what number I'm located in the family. " Kitkat smirked, finishing her stash of peaches. "The baby of the family is so spoiled.


Azia shifted to the deepest crimson you could go from being too embarrassed. "Vlad. " she chuckled roughly. "You can be a dork, but you're causing me to flush to deep."


"Well. " Avery thought about it as he trailed along her side. "I loved him very much by his love and care into people. "


"Well. ..can we just do a ceremony?" Theniza really was set on the other wedding idea. She observed him and released, to see how he adapts.


"I know. " Shade winked, shoving her empty plate aside. "Shall we get going? Because it's dark out. "[/quote]
"Hey... I do take care of myself."  He smirked.  "You don't remember your family?"  Jack inquired.


"Well...  as long as you like dorks I am okay with that... can I kiss you again?"  *puppy eyes*


"He is a very kind man.. you wouldn't think him a fierce warrior by his compassion."  She mentioned


He was able to stay up.. for now. "I can honor that.  I want love given not taken."  Keith admitted.


"Yes. I will take you home." Kyle nodded.

Kitkat rested an elbow against theccounter, "Jack, I never said you didn't. " she smirked, stealing a peach. "No, I don't remember them. "


Azia rolled her eyes, "you stinker. " she playfully snickered, leaning in. "I guess, since you're so cute. " her inflamed cheeks mellowed out.


"Many people contain so much compassion, that you'd not think they were brave, strong, . Or even skilled. So I know what exactly you're talking about. "


Theniza reduced her height and sunk by his side, "well as long you're not going to shove love in me, I'll court you. "

"Thankyou, but I'm not sure they send me off to a house yet. " Shade sighed from her seat. "I wonder if they gave me one. "
Quote: "I have never done this Traveler... will you help or see if Malakai will?" Mershan was in love with them but she had no experience but to hold.


They tried to prod him.


Gordon then end the three out to release the slaves. "All slaves I hereby release you. I ask that you do not kill any handlers thought you may desire too. Please assist in escorting them to the brig and I will question them/ If anyone commits murder I will not tolerate it." he announced again.

Bert opened all slave holds.

(lol riling you up XD)

The ship readied weapons. "Under who's orders?"


"Good." She took his arm. "Unless you care about who see's us I don't."


"Okay well dinner maybe I am curious about you and no not a date.. otherwise you have to start all over again." He tossed another leaf in his mouth.
Trinity walked up to the hospital room that the Prince was staying in. She smoothed down the front of her uniform and knocked on the door.
"Come in." Ykran sat up. he had kept getting tangled int he hospital gown so it lay chucked in the room corner.

Wow Chic, you really want her to fall for him. I approve.

Trinity pushed the door open and walked in, not noticing Ykran's clothing, or rather, lack of it.
"Good afternoon Prince Ykran, I'm Captain--" She broke off, finally taking a good look at Ykran. "Uh, um, I'm Captain Trinity. The Admiral sent me to check up on you. He would have come himself but he is too busy," Trinity said, a blush creeping over her cheeks.

(Sorry this took so long, I ended up watching a movie with my parents when we were done eating.)
(LOL glad you do
but you don't have to state the obvious we can roll with the punches tee hee huba huba *snicker* Sorry I am loosing it. I am getting loopy.)

He blinked at her a bit then smirked and pulled his sheets up for her. "Sorry.... nice to meet you Captain Trinity (poor Cosick doesn't stand a chance) I thought you would be a Rivven coming in the door. I am okay considering I guess. Need to rest a while and they are observing me. I don't remember hardly anything but a few images. I have to take every ones work for it that I am some Prince Ykran." He sighed. "Do I know this Admiral?" He wondered. He blue eyes were lost.

(It's okay.. did you see the second Hobbit movie yet?)

(I think the question is, do I know this admiral?)
((I almost forgot about Cosick. Um, they could just have a brother/sister relationship, if that's ok with you. God, I'm such a softy. I don't want to break a fictional character's heart!))

"Yes, you do. He is a good friend of your family. ((I think.)) Like I said, he wanted to come himself to see how you are doing, but he is stuck in a series of meetings with some politicians. I've always thought that politicians sold their souls to the devil or something, because there is no way they could be naturally so devious and stonyhearted." After a second, Trinity's brain caught up with her mouth as she realized what she had said, and more importantly, who she had said it to. Her violet eyes widened and she slapped her hands over her mouth with a horrified expression. "Sorry!" She said through her fingers. "I talk too much when I'm nervous and I kind of lose the filter between my brain and my mouth and it's very unprofessional, and the Admiral warned me not to do this because you might find it overwhelming and I'm doing it again and I'll just shut up now." She backed up to the door with an embarrassed and mortified expression, her hands still over her mouth.

(I'm changing her character a bit, in case you couldn't tell. I'm making her younger, and this is her first assignment. And yes, I have seen the second Hobbit movie. I thought that it was much better than the first one.)
(lol Gavin)
( ha ha ha ha she never agreed to go out with him but he was trying)

Ykran bit his lips then busted up laughing. "Sorry.. you're fine. That was oddly entertaining. And it doesn't matter to me anyhow, I find my understanding on what a politician is foggy at the moment and I am shirtless so professional or whatever that is went out the window... before you came in." His last sentence he spoke with a creased brow. "To be honest I need some help refreshing on some things." He sighed.

(yeah it was and Bard is cute too :p)
Quote: (between Jack and Erol)

"Thats a good attitude to have." He put down the other sack and started sorting them by ripeness.


"What?" He laughed. "You're too cute not to." He ticked her side a bit.


"I am not disagreeing with anything.. I was approving." He smirked.


"Thank.. and it must be my good looks." Keith teased and winked at her.


Kyle chuckled.

"Tell me do you live alone?" Kitkat questioned searching for the tools for the jam.


"Oh come on I'm not that cute."Azia flushed and grasped his palms before he done anything.


"Oh my bad." Avery sighed, scratching his head. "Anyways, thank you."


"No, more of your personality." Theniza smirked, darting to the surface with his palm.


"hat's so funny?" Shade demanded, not noting the gooey sauce seeping down her chin. (he he. Tough choices.. Erol is more shy about affection though)

"Yes I do. But I have family I visit and friends and such." Jack informed while continuing to sort the peaches.


"Yeah you are.. I see a sweet woman.. great hair... interesting tattoo's... but I see a fierce fighter in there too. Kinda... hot." vlad snickered a tad then winked.


"Mhmmm... well Ira will take you to the comms center for you to talk to your kinfolk." Nostros nodded.


He went with her as he didn't have much of a choice.


"I just find your manner.... cute." He smiled then offered her a napkin.

(Yes. ..but I hope I decide.. .or you can cause a ruckus, so I can only choose one. )

Kitkat surveyed through her memories, and discovered she couldn't remember anyone she knew, other them Erol and Jack. "I have no one. " she muttered, depressed by the thought. She halted sorting the peaches.


Azia dropped her chops as she listened to his glorious comments. "Oh Vlad you're beyond sweet.. and lovable. " she blushed at the ending part.


Avery nodded, "thanks again. " he smirked, walking to the lady. He glance at her, "okay Idna, can you lead me? " He quizzed nicely.


Theniza darted out of the river and fluttered to the clouds. She carried him by his two wrists and granted him stunning, vast wings. "Now learn to fly! " she hollered, holding onto him until he got the idea.


"Oh now stop it. " Shade smiled bubbly. She shunned her face with her hand. "You're kind. " LOL Oh I am having fun making it hard XD )

Jack frowned. "How sad...." He thought. "Maybe you could meet my sister. She is nice. Jut busy with her foals."


"Awww am I?" He winked. "Your lips are sweet too."

(such a boy)


"Yes." Ira nodded. "This way." She smiled heading out.


"Wo ho s*** I was not expecting this....." She had starled Keith and her started to flap out of survival instincts. "Yu have incredible Magic. "


"I try to be... but you are." Kyle took another bite.

(Thanks. .)

Kitkat resumed sorting the peaches after her trance. "I would like that. " She sprouted a pleasing smile. "Is she older or younger then you? "


His compliment caused Azia to shift beet red, "Vlad, good grief. " she faintly snickered. "Why are you saying so many graceful things? "


"Thanks again Ira. " Avery expressed a friendly smile as he tagged along.


Theniza snickered at his exploding actions, "Come on Kieth I know you can pull this off. By the way since we are courting, how do you celebrate it? " she quizzed, aiding him the knowledge of flight.


"I know tthat, you told me already. " Shade winked, finishing off her part of the burrito. (lol welcome XD you know it makes for dramatic fun :p)

"Older." Jack informed. "I am the baby." He smirked


"I mean them... " He shrugged. "You look good in that shade too." He lightly touched her nose. "Am I not allowed to be charming? I am only a dork around my brother."


"Of course." She gracefully walked along the floor. "What do you think of our King?"


"Um... we just express our affections and learn to love each other.. Our way to wed is to mate.. though some have honored ceremonies to their brides." Keith felt he may hav cought a current and started to soar.


"Well I meant it." He smirked.

___ (ha! Very true. :p )

"Hmm I ponder on what number I'm located in the family. " Kitkat smirked, finishing her stash of peaches. "The baby of the family is so spoiled.


Azia shifted to the deepest crimson you could go from being too embarrassed. "Vlad. " she chuckled roughly. "You can be a dork, but you're causing me to flush to deep."


"Well. " Avery thought about it as he trailed along her side. "I loved him very much by his love and care into people. "


"Well. ..can we just do a ceremony?" Theniza really was set on the other wedding idea. She observed him and released, to see how he adapts.


"I know. " Shade winked, shoving her empty plate aside. "Shall we get going? Because it's dark out. " "Hey... I do take care of myself." He smirked. "You don't remember your family?" Jack inquired.


"Well... as long as you like dorks I am okay with that... can I kiss you again?" *puppy eyes*


"He is a very kind man.. you wouldn't think him a fierce warrior by his compassion." She mentioned


He was able to stay up.. for now. "I can honor that. I want love given not taken." Keith admitted.


"Yes. I will take you home." Kyle nodded.
Kitkat rested an elbow against theccounter, "Jack, I never said you didn't. " she smirked, stealing a peach. "No, I don't remember them. "


Azia rolled her eyes, "you stinker. " she playfully snickered, leaning in. "I guess, since you're so cute. " her inflamed cheeks mellowed out.


"Many people contain so much compassion, that you'd not think they were brave, strong, . Or even skilled. So I know what exactly you're talking about. "


Theniza reduced her height and sunk by his side, "well as long you're not going to shove love in me, I'll court you. "

"Thankyou, but I'm not sure they send me off to a house yet. " Shade sighed from her seat. "I wonder if they gave me one. "
"I know you didn;t say that... and sorry you don't." He moved some hair from her eyes.


He wiggled his brows a bit and took advantage of the offer. Vlad kissed her lips tenderly again.


"Yes... one often things a fierce fighter is a fierce man in character." She sighed.


"How would I do that?" He blinked at her.


"Really where did you stay last night?" Kyle asked.
[quote name="Chic CAN" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75120#post_12836662"][quote name="kytkat" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75110#post_12836617"]
[quote name="Chic CAN" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75090#post_12836562"]
[quote name="kytkat" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75080#post_12836239"]
[quote name="Chic CAN" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75060#post_12836155"]
[quote name="kytkat" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75040#post_12835747"]
[quote name="Chic CAN" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/75000#post_12835139"]
[CONTENTEMBED=/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/74910#post_12830785 layout=inline]​[/CONTENTEMBED]

"I like it.. but so far out.. don't you ever get lonely out here?"  Jack asked.

(having a hard time picking?)


Vlad smirked. "Oh really?" He  brushed the side of her face then did it again.


"Your ways are childlike..... we  tend to be like that for those who have never had to harbor and whittness death of war. Or be tortured be evil darkness."  Nostros sighed.


"Um no... we just kissed...  courting is what happens up until you allow me to become your husband." He informed. "Its growing to love each other."


Kyle smiled. "Alright."  He put some more burrito on her plate.


Kitkat set down the peaches, "It really does get lonely, but hey I make the most of things." She glance over at him.


Azia fell back as she tried to evade it, "Vlad!" she snickered, curling her legs to her chest.


"And are you disagreeing because of it?" Avery folded his arms, looking up. "We try to make the best of things, despite the situation."


"Well I'm sure falling for you...which I'm not sure why." Theniza rolled her eyes, but sprouted a joyful smile. "Alright I guess I will go with your way, since your ways already interest me."


Shade ate more of it, "I like your exotic food here, so yummy." she giggled.

(between Jack and Erol)

"Thats a good attitude to have." He put down the other sack and started sorting them by ripeness.


"What?"  He laughed. "You're too cute not to."  He ticked her side a bit.


"I am not disagreeing with anything.. I was approving."  He smirked.


"Thank.. and it must be my good looks."  Keith teased and winked at her.


Kyle chuckled.


"Tell me do you live alone?" Kitkat questioned searching for the tools for the jam.


"Oh come on I'm not that cute."Azia flushed and grasped his palms before he done anything.


"Oh my bad." Avery sighed, scratching his head. "Anyways, thank you."


"No, more of your personality." Theniza smirked, darting to the surface with his palm.


"hat's so funny?" Shade demanded, not noting the gooey sauce seeping down her chin.

(he he.  Tough choices.. Erol is more shy about affection though)

"Yes I do. But I have family I visit and friends and such."  Jack informed while continuing to sort the peaches.


"Yeah you are.. I see a sweet woman.. great hair... interesting tattoo's... but I see a fierce fighter in there too.  Kinda... hot."  vlad snickered a tad then winked.


"Mhmmm... well Ira will take you to the comms center for you to talk to your kinfolk." Nostros nodded.


He went with her as he didn't have much of a choice.


"I just find your manner.... cute."  He smiled then offered her a napkin.

(Yes. ..but I hope I decide.. .or you can cause a ruckus, so I can only choose one. )

Kitkat surveyed through her memories, and discovered she couldn't remember anyone she knew, other them Erol and Jack. "I have no one. " she muttered, depressed by the thought. She halted sorting the peaches.


Azia dropped her chops as she listened to his glorious comments. "Oh Vlad you're beyond sweet.. and lovable. " she blushed at the ending part.


Avery nodded, "thanks again. " he smirked, walking to the lady. He glance at her, "okay Idna, can you lead me? " He quizzed nicely.


Theniza darted out of the river and fluttered to the clouds. She carried him by his two wrists and granted him stunning, vast wings. "Now learn to fly! " she hollered, holding onto him until he got the idea.


"Oh now stop it. " Shade smiled bubbly. She shunned her face with her hand. "You're kind. "

LOL Oh I am having fun making it hard XD  )

Jack frowned. "How sad...."  He thought. "Maybe you could meet my sister. She is nice. Jut busy with her foals."


"Awww am I?"  He winked. "Your lips are sweet too."

(such a boy)


"Yes." Ira nodded. "This way."  She smiled heading out.


"Wo ho s*** I was not expecting this....."  She had starled Keith and her started to flap out of survival instincts. "Yu have incredible Magic. "


"I try to be... but you are."  Kyle took another bite.[/quote]

(Thanks. .)

Kitkat resumed sorting the peaches after her trance. "I would like that. " She sprouted a pleasing smile. "Is she older or younger then you? "


His compliment caused Azia to shift beet red, "Vlad, good grief. " she faintly snickered. "Why are you saying so many graceful things? "


"Thanks again Ira. " Avery expressed a friendly smile as he tagged along.


Theniza snickered at his exploding actions, "Come on Kieth I know you can pull this off. By the way since we are courting, how do you celebrate it? " she quizzed, aiding him the knowledge of flight.


"I know tthat, you told me already. " Shade winked, finishing off her part of the burrito.[/quote]
(lol welcome XD you know it makes for dramatic fun :p)

"Older." Jack informed. "I am the baby."  He smirked


"I mean them... "  He shrugged. "You look good in that shade too."  He  lightly touched her nose. "Am I not allowed to be charming? I am only a dork around my brother."


"Of course."  She gracefully walked along the floor. "What do you think of our King?"


"Um... we just express our affections and learn to love each other.. Our way to wed is to mate.. though some have honored ceremonies to their brides."  Keith felt he may hav cought a current and started to soar.


"Well I  meant it."  He smirked.

(ha! Very true. :p )

"Hmm I ponder on what number I'm located in the family. " Kitkat smirked, finishing her stash of peaches. "The baby of the family is so spoiled.


Azia shifted to the deepest crimson you could go from being too embarrassed. "Vlad. " she chuckled roughly. "You can be a dork, but you're causing me to flush to deep."


"Well. " Avery thought about it as he trailed along her side. "I loved him very much by his love and care into people. "


"Well. ..can we just do a ceremony?" Theniza really was set on the other wedding idea. She observed him and released, to see how he adapts.


"I know. " Shade winked, shoving her empty plate aside. "Shall we get going? Because it's dark out. "[/quote]
"Hey... I do take care of myself."  He smirked.  "You don't remember your family?"  Jack inquired.


"Well...  as long as you like dorks I am okay with that... can I kiss you again?"  *puppy eyes*


"He is a very kind man.. you wouldn't think him a fierce warrior by his compassion."  She mentioned


He was able to stay up.. for now. "I can honor that.  I want love given not taken."  Keith admitted.


"Yes. I will take you home." Kyle nodded.[/quote]

Kitkat rested an elbow against theccounter, "Jack, I never said you didn't. " she smirked, stealing a peach. "No, I don't remember them. "


Azia rolled her eyes, "you stinker. " she playfully snickered, leaning in. "I guess, since you're so cute. " her inflamed cheeks mellowed out.


"Many people contain so much compassion, that you'd not think they were brave, strong, . Or even skilled. So I know what exactly you're talking about. "


Theniza reduced her height and sunk by his side, "well as long you're not going to shove love in me, I'll court you. "


"Thankyou, but I'm not sure they send me off to a house yet. " Shade sighed from her seat. "I wonder if they gave me one. "[/quote]
"I know you didn;t say that... and sorry you don't."  He moved some hair from her eyes.


He wiggled his brows a bit and took advantage of the offer.   Vlad kissed her lips tenderly again.


"Yes... one often things a fierce fighter is a fierce man in character." She sighed.


"How would I do that?"  He blinked at her.


"Really where did you stay last night?"  Kyle asked.

Kitkat aimed her eyes at him, "It's okay, I bet there are plenty of mares who don't or recognized their family. "


After so much of the kissing, Azia put a halt to it as she seeped away. "I could tell you'd like it, and I did too. " she admitted.


"So many expectations that could be puzzling. " Avery sighed, trailing after her.


Theniza grabbed his arm and prepared to land, hoping he would do it without breaking a bone. "By pushing certain things I don't want to do. "


Shade traveled to the door, "I slumbered in a tree. " she explained.
Quote: "Those are good." Thelma kissed his cheek.


Ella blinked her eyes open ans started eating like nothing had happened. Then a thirst time she sat thee with her spoon to her mouth having not eaten it and fell asleep again.


"I need another offspring from you. Your blood is special. Give me one from the female of my choice and I will vow to leave your family with Angelica alone. Shouldn't be too hard for you. You already abandoned your son and his child since you knew he would never be loyal to you. And who knows how may females Necro 'ordered' you to be with fir the same purpose..." Vader moved around the room looking at things. "This one you will have no bond to."


5 giggled. "Maybe so... " She kissed his cheek.


There was some for cheap lent, small and clean.


"From what though it is torture." Sam sighed. "Well it's lunch time.. hungry?"
Trinity walked up to the hospital room that the Prince was staying in. She smoothed down the front of her uniform and knocked on the door.
"Come in." Ykran sat up. he had kept getting tangled int he hospital gown so it lay chucked in the room corner.

Wow Chic, you really want her to fall for him. I approve.

Trinity pushed the door open and walked in, not noticing Ykran's clothing, or rather, lack of it.
"Good afternoon Prince Ykran, I'm Captain--" She broke off, finally taking a good look at Ykran. "Uh, um, I'm Captain Trinity. The Admiral sent me to check up on you. He would have come himself but he is too busy," Trinity said, a blush creeping over her cheeks.

(Sorry this took so long, I ended up watching a movie with my parents when we were done eating.)
(LOL glad you do
but you don't have to state the obvious we can roll with the punches tee hee huba huba *snicker* Sorry I am loosing it. I am getting loopy.)

He blinked at her a bit then smirked and pulled his sheets up for her. "Sorry.... nice to meet you Captain Trinity (poor Cosick doesn't stand a chance) I thought you would be a Rivven coming in the door. I am okay considering I guess. Need to rest a while and they are observing me. I don't remember hardly anything but a few images. I have to take every ones work for it that I am some Prince Ykran." He sighed. "Do I know this Admiral?" He wondered. He blue eyes were lost.

(It's okay.. did you see the second Hobbit movie yet?)

(I think the question is, do I know this admiral?)
((I almost forgot about Cosick. Um, they could just have a brother/sister relationship, if that's ok with you. God, I'm such a softy. I don't want to break a fictional character's heart!))

"Yes, you do. He is a good friend of your family. ((I think.)) Like I said, he wanted to come himself to see how you are doing, but he is stuck in a series of meetings with some politicians. I've always thought that politicians sold their souls to the devil or something, because there is no way they could be naturally so devious and stonyhearted." After a second, Trinity's brain caught up with her mouth as she realized what she had said, and more importantly, who she had said it to. Her violet eyes widened and she slapped her hands over her mouth with a horrified expression. "Sorry!" She said through her fingers. "I talk too much when I'm nervous and I kind of lose the filter between my brain and my mouth and it's very unprofessional, and the Admiral warned me not to do this because you might find it overwhelming and I'm doing it again and I'll just shut up now." She backed up to the door with an embarrassed and mortified expression, her hands still over her mouth.

(I'm changing her character a bit, in case you couldn't tell. I'm making her younger, and this is her first assignment. And yes, I have seen the second Hobbit movie. I thought that it was much better than the first one.)
(lol Gavin)
( ha ha ha ha she never agreed to go out with him but he was trying)

Ykran bit his lips then busted up laughing. "Sorry.. you're fine. That was oddly entertaining. And it doesn't matter to me anyhow, I find my understanding on what a politician is foggy at the moment and I am shirtless so professional or whatever that is went out the window... before you came in." His last sentence he spoke with a creased brow. "To be honest I need some help refreshing on some things." He sighed.

(yeah it was and Bard is cute too :p)
Trinity gave a tiny squeak when he got to the shirtless part, and red crept up her cheeks past her fingers. "I'm sorry, but I really don't think that I could be of much use. I literally just graduated from training, and accompanying Admiral Gavin was my first assignment," she said once she lowered her hands.

(He is, I actually thought that Orlando Bloom played him too, he looks so much like him.
Quote: "Very well just keep eating and you don;t have to dance with me." He nodded.


"Oh the one you got busted over... " He smirked. "Yes well that too is achievable.... besides I can make another like her if my helper finds a good one for me.... plus you know you want to." Vader winked. "If not... You get nothing. And remember I smell the dark ones. I know where all of you hide, even Shakia's minions when they pop their noses out. I just often ignore them. I am death... not the monster."


Tronto followed her. (xD)


"I want to work into a hug.... soon." Hara took a deep breath.



"What I look all over for your studio and you can't even grant me maybe a dinner or something?" *pouts*
Wow Chic, you really want her to fall for him. I approve.

Trinity pushed the door open and walked in, not noticing Ykran's clothing, or rather, lack of it.
"Good afternoon Prince Ykran, I'm Captain--" She broke off, finally taking a good look at Ykran. "Uh, um, I'm Captain Trinity. The Admiral sent me to check up on you. He would have come himself but he is too busy," Trinity said, a blush creeping over her cheeks.

(Sorry this took so long, I ended up watching a movie with my parents when we were done eating.)
(LOL glad you do
but you don't have to state the obvious we can roll with the punches tee hee huba huba *snicker* Sorry I am loosing it. I am getting loopy.)

He blinked at her a bit then smirked and pulled his sheets up for her. "Sorry.... nice to meet you Captain Trinity (poor Cosick doesn't stand a chance) I thought you would be a Rivven coming in the door. I am okay considering I guess. Need to rest a while and they are observing me. I don't remember hardly anything but a few images. I have to take every ones work for it that I am some Prince Ykran." He sighed. "Do I know this Admiral?" He wondered. He blue eyes were lost.

(It's okay.. did you see the second Hobbit movie yet?)

(I think the question is, do I know this admiral?)
((I almost forgot about Cosick. Um, they could just have a brother/sister relationship, if that's ok with you. God, I'm such a softy. I don't want to break a fictional character's heart!))

"Yes, you do. He is a good friend of your family. ((I think.)) Like I said, he wanted to come himself to see how you are doing, but he is stuck in a series of meetings with some politicians. I've always thought that politicians sold their souls to the devil or something, because there is no way they could be naturally so devious and stonyhearted." After a second, Trinity's brain caught up with her mouth as she realized what she had said, and more importantly, who she had said it to. Her violet eyes widened and she slapped her hands over her mouth with a horrified expression. "Sorry!" She said through her fingers. "I talk too much when I'm nervous and I kind of lose the filter between my brain and my mouth and it's very unprofessional, and the Admiral warned me not to do this because you might find it overwhelming and I'm doing it again and I'll just shut up now." She backed up to the door with an embarrassed and mortified expression, her hands still over her mouth.

(I'm changing her character a bit, in case you couldn't tell. I'm making her younger, and this is her first assignment. And yes, I have seen the second Hobbit movie. I thought that it was much better than the first one.)
(lol Gavin)
( ha ha ha ha she never agreed to go out with him but he was trying)

Ykran bit his lips then busted up laughing. "Sorry.. you're fine. That was oddly entertaining. And it doesn't matter to me anyhow, I find my understanding on what a politician is foggy at the moment and I am shirtless so professional or whatever that is went out the window... before you came in." His last sentence he spoke with a creased brow. "To be honest I need some help refreshing on some things." He sighed.

(yeah it was and Bard is cute too :p)
Trinity gave a tiny squeak when he got to the shirtless part, and red crept up her cheeks past her fingers. "I'm sorry, but I really don't think that I could be of much use. I literally just graduated from training, and accompanying Admiral Gavin was my first assignment," she said once she lowered her hands.

(He is, I actually thought that Orlando Bloom played him too, he looks so much like him.
(yes they look like they could be brothers very handsome man. lol He is my Charrie Nautilus)

"Good...." He found her reactions incredibly amusing. "I don't know hardly anything I would feel less intimidated. The nurse said I may have to go back to school how embarrassing is that?" He dropped the sheet to grab some water. "Come keep me company you amuse me... I can talk well, articulate, but I can't write or read. And I am not sure if what I think I remember is real or not. Like a dream. (That dream thing is real I have amnesia before) They said my mind experienced overload... whatever that means. And you look nice whn you change colors." He gave a dashing smile.
Quote: (between Jack and Erol)

"Thats a good attitude to have." He put down the other sack and started sorting them by ripeness.


"What?" He laughed. "You're too cute not to." He ticked her side a bit.


"I am not disagreeing with anything.. I was approving." He smirked.


"Thank.. and it must be my good looks." Keith teased and winked at her.


Kyle chuckled.

"Tell me do you live alone?" Kitkat questioned searching for the tools for the jam.


"Oh come on I'm not that cute."Azia flushed and grasped his palms before he done anything.


"Oh my bad." Avery sighed, scratching his head. "Anyways, thank you."


"No, more of your personality." Theniza smirked, darting to the surface with his palm.


"hat's so funny?" Shade demanded, not noting the gooey sauce seeping down her chin. (he he. Tough choices.. Erol is more shy about affection though)

"Yes I do. But I have family I visit and friends and such." Jack informed while continuing to sort the peaches.


"Yeah you are.. I see a sweet woman.. great hair... interesting tattoo's... but I see a fierce fighter in there too. Kinda... hot." vlad snickered a tad then winked.


"Mhmmm... well Ira will take you to the comms center for you to talk to your kinfolk." Nostros nodded.


He went with her as he didn't have much of a choice.


"I just find your manner.... cute." He smiled then offered her a napkin.

(Yes. ..but I hope I decide.. .or you can cause a ruckus, so I can only choose one. )

Kitkat surveyed through her memories, and discovered she couldn't remember anyone she knew, other them Erol and Jack. "I have no one. " she muttered, depressed by the thought. She halted sorting the peaches.


Azia dropped her chops as she listened to his glorious comments. "Oh Vlad you're beyond sweet.. and lovable. " she blushed at the ending part.


Avery nodded, "thanks again. " he smirked, walking to the lady. He glance at her, "okay Idna, can you lead me? " He quizzed nicely.


Theniza darted out of the river and fluttered to the clouds. She carried him by his two wrists and granted him stunning, vast wings. "Now learn to fly! " she hollered, holding onto him until he got the idea.


"Oh now stop it. " Shade smiled bubbly. She shunned her face with her hand. "You're kind. " LOL Oh I am having fun making it hard XD )

Jack frowned. "How sad...." He thought. "Maybe you could meet my sister. She is nice. Jut busy with her foals."


"Awww am I?" He winked. "Your lips are sweet too."

(such a boy)


"Yes." Ira nodded. "This way." She smiled heading out.


"Wo ho s*** I was not expecting this....." She had starled Keith and her started to flap out of survival instincts. "Yu have incredible Magic. "


"I try to be... but you are." Kyle took another bite.

(Thanks. .)

Kitkat resumed sorting the peaches after her trance. "I would like that. " She sprouted a pleasing smile. "Is she older or younger then you? "


His compliment caused Azia to shift beet red, "Vlad, good grief. " she faintly snickered. "Why are you saying so many graceful things? "


"Thanks again Ira. " Avery expressed a friendly smile as he tagged along.


Theniza snickered at his exploding actions, "Come on Kieth I know you can pull this off. By the way since we are courting, how do you celebrate it? " she quizzed, aiding him the knowledge of flight.


"I know tthat, you told me already. " Shade winked, finishing off her part of the burrito. (lol welcome XD you know it makes for dramatic fun :p)

"Older." Jack informed. "I am the baby." He smirked


"I mean them... " He shrugged. "You look good in that shade too." He lightly touched her nose. "Am I not allowed to be charming? I am only a dork around my brother."


"Of course." She gracefully walked along the floor. "What do you think of our King?"


"Um... we just express our affections and learn to love each other.. Our way to wed is to mate.. though some have honored ceremonies to their brides." Keith felt he may hav cought a current and started to soar.


"Well I meant it." He smirked.

___ (ha! Very true. :p )

"Hmm I ponder on what number I'm located in the family. " Kitkat smirked, finishing her stash of peaches. "The baby of the family is so spoiled.


Azia shifted to the deepest crimson you could go from being too embarrassed. "Vlad. " she chuckled roughly. "You can be a dork, but you're causing me to flush to deep."


"Well. " Avery thought about it as he trailed along her side. "I loved him very much by his love and care into people. "


"Well. ..can we just do a ceremony?" Theniza really was set on the other wedding idea. She observed him and released, to see how he adapts.


"I know. " Shade winked, shoving her empty plate aside. "Shall we get going? Because it's dark out. " "Hey... I do take care of myself." He smirked. "You don't remember your family?" Jack inquired.


"Well... as long as you like dorks I am okay with that... can I kiss you again?" *puppy eyes*


"He is a very kind man.. you wouldn't think him a fierce warrior by his compassion." She mentioned


He was able to stay up.. for now. "I can honor that. I want love given not taken." Keith admitted.


"Yes. I will take you home." Kyle nodded.

Kitkat rested an elbow against theccounter, "Jack, I never said you didn't. " she smirked, stealing a peach. "No, I don't remember them. "


Azia rolled her eyes, "you stinker. " she playfully snickered, leaning in. "I guess, since you're so cute. " her inflamed cheeks mellowed out.


"Many people contain so much compassion, that you'd not think they were brave, strong, . Or even skilled. So I know what exactly you're talking about. "


Theniza reduced her height and sunk by his side, "well as long you're not going to shove love in me, I'll court you. "


"Thankyou, but I'm not sure they send me off to a house yet. " Shade sighed from her seat. "I wonder if they gave me one. " "I know you didn;t say that... and sorry you don't." He moved some hair from her eyes.


He wiggled his brows a bit and took advantage of the offer. Vlad kissed her lips tenderly again.


"Yes... one often things a fierce fighter is a fierce man in character." She sighed.


"How would I do that?" He blinked at her.


"Really where did you stay last night?" Kyle asked.
Kitkat aimed her eyes at him, "It's okay, I bet there are plenty of mares who don't or recognized their family. "


After so much of the kissing, Azia put a halt to it as she seeped away. "I could tell you'd like it, and I did too. " she admitted.


"So many expectations that could be puzzling. " Avery sighed, trailing after her.


Theniza grabbed his arm and prepared to land, hoping he would do it without breaking a bone. "By pushing certain things I don't want to do. "


Shade traveled to the door, "I slumbered in a tree. " she explained.
"Well orphans yes.... did you grow up in a home? My mom took in 2 orphans. Little colts."


"Yes..." Vlad smiled then lay back on the grass and played with her locks.


"Yes well our last King could be harsh."


"Um... okay I think." Keith wasn't sure what she was getting at. well I think I explained everything well enough to her.. and she is lucky I am not like ha other studs.


"Oh goodness. Let's get you a house." Kyla was a tad wide eyed.
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