~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

"Kludd!" Riku exclaimed, staring at his brother in awe. "How did you get here?!"

"The Master brought me here, obviously," Kludd snorted.

"Kludd we have to get out of here!" Riku looked around the room frantically.

"'Get out of here'?" Kludd echoed. "I don't think so, Riku."

"Kludd?" Riku looked at his brother with disbelief. "Y-you're not one of them too, are you?"

"I'm not 'one of them'," Kludd growled, "I'm a follower of the Master. I am here to give you a piece of advice, and if you don't accept it, I will get my revenge on you."

"What do you mean, Kludd," Riku asked, "Revenge? I never did anything to you!"

"Oh, just SHUT UP and listen to me!" Kludd yelled. Riku quieted down. "Thank you. Now, what I'm going to tell you is, the only smart choice you have right now would be to abandon your pathetic rebellion and walk alongside me down the path of Manex. He is the only way!"

"Who is 'Manex'?" Riku asked.

"You pathetic creature of the light," Kludd hissed, "Manex is the lord of darkness, the master of all, and the inevitable fate of the universe. You stand no chance against him. Every single flicker of light will be cast into the shadows, and Manex will triumph."

"Simmer down! I just wanted some information," Riku yelled. The two brothers stared each other down for a minute, before Kludd walked towards his brother at a faster-than desirable pace.

"What are you doing?" Riku asked, suspicious of his brother.

"Giving you a fair fight," he replied casually, releasing Riku from his cuffs.

"What?!" Riku exclaimed.

"Exactly," Kludd snarled, extending his wings and walking in a circle around Riku. After a few minutes he lunged for him, pinning him against the wall. Riku grunted, having the wind knocked out of him.

"Kludd," Riku stammered, looking up at his brother in shock, "you're not one of them!"

"Don't try to reason," Kludd roared, "I gave you a huge opportunity to get away from this, and you ignored it."

"What 'opportunity'?" Riku looked up at Kludd, "to 'follow down the inevitable path of Manex'?"

"That's the first intelligent thing you've said since you got here," Kludd hissed.

"Kludd, what are you doing?" He whispered, not fighting back at all.

"This will be easier than I thought," Kludd said, tightening his grip around Riku's throat.

"Kludd," Riku whispered, "I can't fight you..."

"Wish I could say the same," Kludd roared, grabbing onto Riku's tail and throwing him into the wall. Riku cried out in pain as his body slammed into the metal, knocking the wind out of him again. He soared upwards after he regained his composure, knowing what he had to do. Kludd flew up after him, trying to attack him. Riku flew sideways at the last second, and rammed into Kludd's gut at the last second. Kludd hacked violently, his stomach convulsing as he gagged. He grabbed Riku's wing and jerked back, snapping it. Riku shrieked in pain as Kludd punched his antler as hard as he could, making a small crack in one of his antlers. Riku barely had time to dodge as Kludd dove for him like a falcon, and Kludd had the wind knocked out of him as he barely avoided breaking his neck on the spot. Riku kicked him in the gut again, and Kludd was knocked backwards, his stomach convulsing violently as he gagged again. Furious, he got back up, grabbing Riku by his cracked antler with his left hand and grabbing onto his leg with the next, twisting his ankle and making it very painful for him to walk. Riku cried out in pain again as Kludd grabbed him by his twisted ankle and hit him into the wall again. Black spots peppered Riku's vision as he fought against unconsciousness.
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Gaia walked over, "use my invigorator."

Nakiso shook his head, "no, her teleport must have been interrupted."
Nostros grabbed her shoulder, "Shan I need you to straighten out." She screetched as he pulled her. Merinos helped hold her legs. It revealed the but end of a dagger. The handle was black and sparkled like it had millions of tiny gems on it. "Were you under attack when you teleported Nakiso?"
Nostros grabbed her shoulder, "Shan I need you to straighten out." She screetched as he pulled her. Merinos helped hold her legs. It revealed the but end of a dagger. The handle was black and sparkled like it had millions of tiny gems on it. "Were you under attack when you teleported Nakiso?"

Nakis shook his head, confused.
Nakiso shook his head, confused.
"This is odd." Nostros pulled the dagger out. "Gaia bandage her, she will heal if it didn't puncture a vital organ."

Merinos took the strange dagger and ran to the cargo locker, then closed the door behind him.

Krits sat there puzzling, "Someone must have thrown it right before the port?" He stared at Shandrak strangely for a moment. "It was dark someone must have been in the room with you... she dies glow in the dark."

"We need to get all of you to the admirals ship from there you can be transferred to Gingercat ships and continue the fight." Nostros informed. "Gaia it would not be wise to teleport her will you remain with us and care for her until I can dock."

Rumbling and explosions could be heard outside. The shuttle was under occasional fire. "Nostros you need to get back up here and pilot, I am not as good at this as you are." Krits huffed.
Nostros sat back down. "We cannot dock.... Nakiso needs to leave and we need to take him." He looked back at Shandrak. "We need her too... you know what she is capable of. She will heal."

"The dagger was small, you maybe right... but she needs to be safe."

"She won't allow you to send her off she's made up her mind."

Nostros felt a bit jealous about his brothers telepathy. "Is there anyone who wants to remain in my company? We have a last minute mission to attend to on Captain Nakisos behalf." He noticed Nakiso looked a little baffled. Then he pointed at Krits' head.
"This is odd." Nostros pulled the dagger out. "Gaia bandage her, she will heal if it didn't puncture a vital organ."

Merinos took the strange dagger and ran to the cargo locker, then closed the door behind him.

Krits sat there puzzling, "Someone must have thrown it right before the port?" He stared at Shandrak strangely for a moment. "It was dark someone must have been in the room with you... she dies glow in the dark."

"We need to get all of you to the admirals ship from there you can be transferred to Gingercat ships and continue the fight." Nostros informed. "Gaia it would not be wise to teleport her will you remain with us and care for her until I can dock."

Rumbling and explosions could be heard outside. The shuttle was under occasional fire. "Nostros you need to get back up here and pilot, I am not as good at this as you are." Krits huffed.
Nostros sat back down. "We cannot dock.... Nakiso needs to leave and we need to take him." He looked back at Shandrak. "We need her too... you know what she is capable of. She will heal."

"The dagger was small, you maybe right... but she needs to be safe."

"She won't allow you to send her off she's made up her mind."

Nostros felt a bit jealous about his brothers telepathy. "Is there anyone who wants to remain in my company? We have a last minute mission to attend to on Captain Nakisos behalf." He noticed Nakiso looked a little baffled. Then he pointed at Krits' head.

Nakiso glanced out a viewing window worriedly, he knew something was wrong. "Krits," he said, "can you find where Riku is?" Gunfire and explosions rocketed across the sky as the mothership got closer and closer.

(Hey, just a heads up, please don't control other people's characters. No offense intended, it just makes some people mad.

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