The best breed?

Out of the more than a dozen breeds I have raised, Ameraucanas, were very good pets, friendly, active, decent layers of medium to large eggs, didn't eat too much feed and the tinted eggs made them interesting. They hatched and raised small broods for me. Another good bird for pets are White Crested Black Polish! Gentle, quiet birds, with striking good looks! Decent layers of medium white eggs and very hardy in my very hot summers and cold wet winters. I had a girl live past 11 years, and some still layed two or three eggs a week(except winter) until past 6 years old. But they are not a good choice to run with larger or more active chickens, as the reduced vision makes them targets of bullies and they get nervous. My favorite dual purpose birds have been Buff Orpingtons, usually calm, gentle and tasty ,too! Good egg layers in winter, here in Tennessee. Will not lay as many eggs as a RI Red, but easier to be around and dress out really nice, especially, the large roosters make a good meal. A caponized Buff Orpington or Barred Rock gets huge, it takes a lot longer than a meat hybrid, but I prefer them. My favorite white egg layer is the Black Minorca! I like the way they look, but I love the often extra Large eggs, with dual yolks not being rare! They produce really well, too.
This year I have ordered some Whiting Blues, Welsummers, Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorcas and Partridge Cochins. Good luck and happy chicken raising!

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