The Best Layer

Not easter egger they don't lay more than a hundred a year if your looking for a white egg layer use leghorns for brown eggs red comet
Reds are great layers, and they are generally pretty friendly, though you might also do well with White Leghorns. They're not broody breeds, but most of the egg-laying breeds aren't anyway. If you want a broody hen, go with a Japanese bantam.
I personally like white leghorns I have 3 and there only 6 months old and already sitting on eggs ill post a pic
My RIR lays every day and the white Leghorn lays every few days if I am lucky and they are the same age. The Leghorn is so persnickety that she lets everything bother her so I guess I got a defective one. Anyway I am a fan of Rhode Island Red. Great personality, calm temperament, and good layer.
I am a newbie to this as my girls are only 26 1/2 weeks old. My best layers are the RIR, white Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock and Australorp. My Buff Orpington and Americana just started laying within the last two weeks. I have got an egg from the RIR everyday for the last 38 days! My RIR is a sweet bird. She does her own thing and leaves everybody alone. The mean one is my Barred Plymouth Rock. My white Leghorn is very friendly and does not care if I pick her up. Now.....all were handled everyday fron the time they hatched. Good luck!
I have a red star and a Cinnamon Queen (another type of red star with a specific coloring). They are excellent layers!!!

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