The best roosts ever!

Thanks ladies! Those roosts all look fabulous! Now I've got tons of great ideas. I can't wait to get our coop going and see how the girls like their new roosts!

I have 14" in or 15" between each roost I'll have to measure it to find out how far it come out from wall. I just told hubby how I wanted it and he said show me where and thats how it went. lol
You also need to consider the size of the chickens that are going to be on the roosts.

Chickens may walk up a ramp to get to a roost, but very few will walk down. When birds naturally roost high in trees, they have lower branches to jump to and transition to the ground. In a coop, they usuallyl jump straight to the floor. If heavier breed birds jump from a high roost, they can injure their feet and legs when they land.

They can feel just as safe on a roost that is three feet off the ground as one that is 5-6 feet high.
Hmmm... I wouldn't say they're a 'heavy' breed, they seem sort of gamy and lean to me. I'm not sure what they are, but I've taken a few photos and once I get them uploaded I'll post a few so I can get some help deciphering what breed they are! Some of the girls are so pretty, spotted black and white. I just love their markings! They're certainly not fat, round and fluffy like so many of the breeds I see.

I know this is off topic, but when we went down to check on the girls yesterday and do some work we found four more girls sitting on clutches of eggs! Some of them right under our noses... I couldn't believe we hadn't scared them off their posts with all the moving going on. Two of them are sitting under parts in the back of a pickup truck
Now we've got 7 girls sitting! We'd better get our coop built before our population explodes!!!

Anyway, thanks again for all the great advice! I'll make sure they can hop down safely from their roosts, and will make sure the little ones have easy access to get up onto them.

Poison Ivy - Thanks for the measurement! I just want to make sure that nobody poops on anybody else's tail!
Love these.
My great aunt and uncle raised leghorns for eggs that they sold to local markets years ago. If it wasn't for the hardwood floors I would swear I was looking at their set up. I modeled mine after it.

How old is the coop, do you have other photos of it I would love to see them,.

This was for Miss Prissy. Don't know why it didn't copy her post.
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