The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Wow, today is the 1 year "anniversary" of the Biggest Little Rooster's demise. So much has happened in that year. I haven't added to the story becuase Hardy just is NOT like his dad. However, I am going to start adding to the story, because one of his daughters (BB vonSneaky)has his adventuresome spirit. And the other one (SS)has his golden heart. Laurel has his extremely mild personaltiy. And Hardy- *sigh* He just doesn't have the romance his dad did.
McSneaky and Goody Two Shoes are carrying on his legacy down here and I still think Moonshine is his too! GTS gets herself into trouble all the time, McSneaky is just a nice roo that the hens like to hang out with. Moonshine will kill you if you get in between her and her french fries!!
Are you sure she isn't Nugget's LOL.
I should have kept McScreamy. The last I heard, he was a nice boy who loved hanging out with the girls, and was gentle with everyone.
Moonshine does look like she is his. I have one here that looks just like her.
It is hard to believe it has been over a year since the BLR traveled on to that big coop in the sky! Too bad Hardy doesn't have BLR's personality. I'm sure I'm not the only one who misses your wonderful stories about your chicks.....
I have been so focused on Hardy not being a gentleman like his dad, looking for a story in him and not findng it. I missed the opportunity to tell the story of the Biggest Little Rooster's legacy.. Hardy is not his only " child". And the girls act much like their dad also.
So, here it is- the start of The Biggest Little Rooster's Legacy...


Laurel: Laurel has always been, and still is quite mellow. She doesn't get bothered by things, doesn't see obstacles. She's content. She was the first to fly over the fence in their run. She is the most accepting of being pet. She basically does her own thing, whatever makes her happy. She isn't a leader or a follower. Laurel is her own "woman"


The one known as BB VonSneaky, and will now be know as BeeBee ( as in Bok Bok):
As a little chick, BeeBee was bold and daring. She liked to sneak up behind the others, peck their butts, then run and act all innocent.
As an adult, Beebee is bold and daring in some ways. She didn't jump over the fence of the run. She is often by herself, because she is not a folllower. And she is the one who leads the other 2 around the fence to the right hand neighbor 4's yard. The same place her daddy used to lead the Ladies. Unlike her dad, though, she is VERY vocal. When she doesn't like somethig, she lets you know. Loud and clear!



And last, but not least - remember Spunky Stripeback ( aka SS)? She is now know and Essie - as in Squawky
As a baby, Spunky was just what her name stated- a very spunky girl who wasn't afraid of anything. She had a habit of following Laurel around.
Grown up Essie still likes to follow Laurel around. Essie was the second one to jump out of the run. She used to wander only as far as Laurel did. Most of the time, she is at Laurel's side EXCEPT... well, the except will be revealed in the story



Those are the characters. Stay tuned for their story

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