The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

CHAPTER 5- after the nap, Jail Time

The nap didn't last too long. The biggest little rooster noticed the older couple neighbor come home from an outing. They brought company, too! He knew the company would want to see him, so he cluckeled to the ladies. They got up and barely had time to shake off the dust before they were all running to the neighbors. The little flock decided to follow, so the neighbors company was greeted by 14 chickens. They had both vehicles surrounded.
After a very short visit, the biggest little rooster came back to his yard. Now, we all know chickens have very short attention spans. They fill their day with pecking, scratching, and chasing everything from a wind-blown blade of grass, to a bird ( yes, the little flock has a few that actually chase birds), to anything that looks remotely edible. They also chase anything thrown- even the dogs tennis ball (which doesn't make the dog happy).
For a rooster in love, though, there is so much more. Not only does he have to kee an eye out for danger, but he also has to lead his ladies to the best areas to peck and scratch. He has to make sure they are happy and healthy and safe, and have a belly - err- crop full of yummy bugs and such.
So this is how he spends his days. While it is hard work, it is also very satisfying to be provider and protector.
The humanlady was watching closely, and every time the biggest little rooster headed for the neighbors yard, or the front bushes, she'd call him back. She had hoped that he would forget, and be sidetracked in the back yard. But the biggest little rooster was smarter than the humans gave him credit for.
He pretended to head for the front bushes, but hid around the front corner of the house. When the humanlady came running, he pretended he wasn't watching . His clucking sounded a little bit like chuckling. But he just walked and scratched and pecked innocently with his ladies, who wereoblivious to the fact they were used as pawns in his successful attempt to make the humanlady come running.

So the humanlady went inside the house. Shortly after, she came running outside after hearing the sounds of children nearby.
As it turns out, the biggest little rooster had led his ladies back to the yard of right hand neighbor number 2. The neighbors children were helping him find his way home. The biggest little rooster wouldn't admit that he needed help finding his way home. He told the ladies that they were being chased!!
The long run, and exciting adventure left them all tired. The biggest little rooster noticed the humanlady holding the door to the ladies run. The ladies ran inside for a drink, but the rooster would not go with them. He knew something was up. He knew it wasn't good.
And then- that mean humanlady .... SHUT THE DOOR. And locked up the beautiful ladies. He couldn't understand why.
They didn't do anything wrong! How could she seperate him from his beautiful golden ladies?
After much pacing back and forth, and A LOT of complaining " It's not fair", they realized the humanlady was not going to free the ladies. The humanlady said it was bad to go that far from home, especially with children around. The biggest little rooster didn't understand. In his experience, everyone loved him. The children loved him- they were playing "tag".
He was totally bummed. The ladies talked to him through the fence for a while. They had a gripe session about the unfair jail time. Then the ladies laid down for a nap. The biggest little rooster let out a few loud crows of protest, and then....


He laid down also- right against the fence. As close to the ladies as he could possibly get.
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Well, the biggest little rooster doesnt know it yet, but he's VERY lucky his adventures into the neighbors yard left his ladies in chicken jail. I told DH to NOT let the ladies out today, even though I knew it would break the biggest little roosters heart. I came home from work, and there he was, outside their run talking to them through the gate. His little flock was already in bed. He was walking back and forth, and it almost broke MY heart. Until I saw the neighbor walking across the yard. It could only mean 1 thing; his dog had gotten loose a little while before, and a chicken pursuit took place. From what he said, there was a pretty long chase, but then one ran into the bushes, and the dog caught it and killed it. He was unable to get to it fast enough.

I am SOOOOOOO GLAD the biggest little rooster got his ladies into trouble, and they were locked up. I would seriously hate for it to have been him or one of his ladies.
So, I think perhaps tomorrow, we'll be encouraging him to join the ladies in their secure run. I think they should get to know each other better before shacking up together, but...times have changed.
Him moving in with them should make for some interesting new chapters. I just hope they are good chapters.
that just goes with my saying of everything happens for a reason. I am so glad you kept "his ladies" in for the day.

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