The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

CHAPTER 9- The Ladies are Free!!

The biggest little rooster was resting after the obstacle relay race. He was very happy. The Survivor Chicken challenge was working well to keep the little flock from stressing over the big brown monster tragedy. He was also getting to know a few of the little girls better. It also helped him keep his mind off the fact that the ladies were locked up.
The humanguy came out of the house and walked toward the Ladies. He checked inside the coop to make sure the rent was paid. Then, the biggest little rooster saw the humanguy open... the ... gate? Was he dreaming? Could it be?? The biggest little rooster closed his eyes and shook his head. When he opened his eyes, he expected to see the Ladies locked in the run. But no, they were running toward him!!!
He couldn't contain his excitement!!! He danced and danced and ran around the Ladies in a little circle, and danced some more!!!! He was so overjoyed his voice was squeaky.
The Survivor-Farmette games were postponed. They decided to continue the games on the next rainy day.
The biggest little rooster stood tall, stretched his neck as far as he could and let out a lively crow. He then paid special attention to one of the Ladies, and then the five of them ran to the older neighbors yard.
They had a follower. The little light gold chicken followed along with the Ladies and her new love interest; the biggest little rooster.
The Ladies were totally glad to be free. It had been 4 days, and while they thought their run was a very good and spacious one, they didn't want to be stuck in there.
There was a lot of clucking going on. The biggest little rooster was having trouble listening to all four Ladies at once. They didn't even seem to notice the drifted away look in his eyes. He tried so very hard to listen to them, but his little white ears were hearing words much faster than his little chicken brain could process. The little golden chicken couldn't take all the chattering after just two minutes, and she ran off to find someone else to hang with.
The biggest little rooster was scratching the ground frantically looking for bugs. He figured if he could find a few, then the Ladies could eat, and his little white ears could get a few seconds reprieve. He loved the Ladies, for sure, but all of them chattering so much made his little chicken brain hurt.
Being with the ladies was well worth it. When they finally calmed down a little, he turned on the charm, and told the Ladies how it saddened him that they were jailed. He apologized to them, because he thought it might have been his fault. The Ladies all agreed that the wonderful day he took them out exploring had been the best day of their lives.
Throughout the rest of the day, he spent most of his time with the Ladies, but he also sent time with his little flock. He even had a few moments with the little golden chicken, to her immense delight.
When nighttime came, the biggest little rooster said goodnight to the Ladies, and went to get his little flock settled. He was so proud of his little flock. They decided that the Grade A's should get to choose their roost spots again tonight, for having won the worm challenge. They thanked the biggest little rooster for coming up with the Survivor- Farmette game. They had fun.
The little golden chicken snuggled against the biggest little rooster, and they all fell asleep. If chickens had lips, you'd see that they were all smiling.
Yeah!!!! The ladies were out with their biggest little rooster! I just love this story. DH says I need to get out more but I love it.

I got so excited I forgot a word and misspelled lol.
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I just finished the las chapter

BUT I noticed it's been 2 days.......What is the biggest little rooster doing?............How is his ladies????????..........What about the girls?????........Has the brown monster been on the loose again??.............. What is to become of the little golden chickens infatuation?????????
............I can't stand it, you must continue the saga!!!!

CHAPTER 10- The Ladies
The biggest little rooster didn't know it (because he couldn't hear them), but the Ladies talked about him in the dark at night before they went to sleep.
They liked being the “only” chickens, and were not happy when the little ones came along. When the little ones arrived, all tiny and cute and fuzzy, the Ladies were just getting through their ugly feather stage, and were still a bit self-conscious about how they looked.
Even though the humanlady would still spend time with them, they had a big fear that the cute little fuzzy ones would make the humans like the little ones better.
As the little ones started losing their adorable fuzziness, the Ladies were getting to be lovely little chickenwomen.
One day, they were running past the big green 4-wheeled beep beep rolling human coop, and noticed themselves in the shine. At first they thought they were seeing other chickens, but with a few pecks at the cold hard metal, they realized they were seeing themselves. They couldn't help but notice just how pretty they were- except for poor Lohi Moa, (whose little chicken brain got scrambled when she was caught in the mouth of the big brown monster, hence her name, which means "slow chicken" in Hawaiian), who continued to peck at the chicken she was seeing till her little beak was sore.
The Ladies realized that they just HAD to be the human’s favorites. And they were. And would always be.
The older neighbor couple always gave them treats. They would sit outside with the Ladies in the evenings, talking to them and keeping them company until their human got home from work.
Once, when the 2nd left hand neighbor was unpacking groceries from the car, the Ladies jumped in the car to help her. Well, they actually wanted to see if she bought anything good. She reached in the car to grab some groceries, and was so excited to see them, she screamed!
The right hand neighbors cried when their big brown monster tried to chicken-nap Lohi Moa. So the ladies knew they were well loved.

They noticed the little flock, but did not pay much attention until the day the little flock tried to come into the Ladies yard (which is what they thought the older neighbors yard was- THEIRS). They didn't want to share their yard with those little babies. And that’s when they noticed the biggest little rooster.
They thought they were being discreet, trying to pretend they weren't sneaking peeks at him from behind their wings. They did a lot of preening, because that was a good excuse to turn to watch him without him knowing.
When he first wandered into the older neighbors yard, they thought him quite rude. He didn't even introduce himself before trying to shower them with love. They chased him away, and amongst themselves decided to keep chasing him away until he got himself some manners.
The biggest little rooster got himself chased a few times before he got himself some manners. He brought fresh grass clippings, complete with worms, and properly introduced himself.
The biggest little rooster had a lot of doubts as to whether the Ladies were in love with him. If he could have heard them talking at night, he'd have been ecstatic.
"Did you see how cute he looked today when he ran across the yard chasing that bug?"
" I think it's totally adorable when he comes and talks to us first thing in the morning."
" I love his white ears, and his feathers, and his thick strong legs, and his feathers, and his crow, and.. Everything"
" I like when he.. Oh Look, a Spider!" (This from Lohi Moa- she gets distracted easily)

Every night, they relived the day. Tonight they were extra chatty. It was so nice to not have a fence between them. They couldn’t wait till morning, when they would see him running across the yard to them.
They weren't sure how they felt about the little golden one following him around. That just MIGHT be a problem.
OHH thank you!!!!

But you MUST continue with this is great!

This is the first place I check to see if you have added a new chapter.

This would make a GREAT childrens book. As I read I can invision the biggest little rooster trying to impress his ladies and the young girls swooning over him.

Thank you for such a great story!!


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