The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

I've been enjoying every installment, and am posting only so the thread will show up in my 'Show your posts' link at the bottom of the main page. I check that first before browsing the rest of BYC. Thanx for the wonderful story!
yet another great chapter Liz,,,, still readin,,,,, Tina
you are just so talented!!!!!!!!!! This is the first post I look at every time I come on. Thanks for the great pics.
Darnit. I just read them all. And was disappointed that there weren't more. To make myself feel better, i'm sending each installment to my Man, and making him addicted too. :p
CHAPTER 14- in trouble AGAIN ( see a pattern here?)

Saturday came again, and the biggest little rooster wasn’t sure he liked Saturdays. Sometimes on Saturday the Ladies were let loose earlier, and that was good. But the humanlady was home, and wouldn’t let them go on adventures.
On this particular Saturday, the humanlady brought the outrageously hairy 4-legged creature outside.

The hairy creature liked to chase the chickens. The biggest little rooster is not scared, because he is bigger than the little creature. But he does find the creature to be quite annoying. Today, he was in no mood to be sniffed or chased. He stood up tall, fluffed out all his feathers, dipped one wing down, and shuffled his feet. He knew this was the “Mean Rooster” pose, but obviously, the little creature did not know this. The little creature charged at him, and then tried to charge one of the girls. So the biggest little rooster did his little foot shuffling, and ran at the little creature, and jumped up and almost kicked it in the head. Unfortunately, he misjudged how small the creature was, and missed the head by at least 3 inches.
The humanlady yelled and took the hairy creature into the human coop.
The little golden girl was following him again, so he did a little dance for her (she was not impressed) and then had a private moment with her. After the moment, the little golden girl ran away. The biggest little rooster couldn’t figure out why she ran. Maybe she was going off to brag to the other girls that she had a date with the handsomest rooster!!
The humanlady went back to the coop, and the biggest little rooster followed. He asked her to Pleeeeeease let the Ladies out. And she did! He quickly had a private moment with one. Then had a private moment with another. The human lady was walking around the new, half-built coop with a scary stick in her hand. She was standing there staring at him, when two of the Ladies ran off. It was just him, Lohi Moa, and the humanlady and the scary stick ( it was a rake, but the biggest little rooster doesn’t know that)
Lohi Moa disappeared into a hole in the side of the new, yet unfinished coop( aka pop hole). The biggest little rooster looked in the hole, and thought he should go in after her. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was too chicken. He sat down in front of the hole and looked worried. He was talking to himself, saying how he should go in and save his Lady. He hoped she would just come out. Just as he stood and was really going to go into the hole, Lohi Moa appeared from around the side of the new, but unfinished coop. The humanlady was laughing at Lohi Moa.
A short while later, the bantam human came to visit again. The biggest little rooster didn’t like the bantam human, because she tried to catch him and pet him. Then they went searching through all the neighbors’ yards. He followed them, wondering what they were looking for. They looked in all the places the chickens liked to play- under the neighbors truck, under the motor home, in the bushes, around the pool, and in the other neighbors shed. Finally they looked in the old little doghouse in the older neighbors yard, and shouted “ JACKPOT”. He didn’t know what jackpot is, but they reached in and pulled 4 eggs out of the doghouse. Then the humanlady and the bantam got into the big green rolling human carrier and left.
The humans were gone for several hours. The humanguy came home and got out the big red toy. All the chickens had fun chasing the big red toy, because it spits out nice fresh cut grass. The humanguy got the big scary stick, and pulled all the nice fresh grass into little piles.
Then the humanlady came home, and tried to steal all the piles! All the chickens hurried to root through the piles before she could make them disappear.
That got boring, so the biggest little rooster decided to take his Ladies on an adventure. He knew where there was grass they could root through without having someone try to pick it up. He called to the Ladies, and they snuck away.
They were having great fun when his brother started calling him. Since chickens have little tiny brains, they don’t know that answering their brother will make the humanlady realize he was on an adventure. The biggest little rooster answered his brother. And again, and again, and again, and – oh no, there is the humanlady.
Once again they were 3 houses away. The humanlady called them, and eventually they followed her. She led them back to behind the older neighbors shed where the older neighbor had left them some spaghetti. Yum Yum!!
He wasn’t sure what it meant, but the humanlady said that the Ladies were going to be grounded till the new coop is done.
CHAPTER 15- Another Adventure Ruined
The next morning, after his greetings to the Ladies, the biggest little rooster noticed that the little golden girl was not following him. Hmmm, he wondered why not. He ran off in search of her, and found her in the older neighbors yard. He walked up to her slowly, watching her. She was scratching and pecking and totally ignoring him. Dipping his wing down, he shuffled his feet in the fancy little dance he does. The little golden girl did not even look at him. He wanted a private moment with her, but restrained himself. Instead, he stood next to her, and scratched and pecked. He found a little bug, and pointed to it with his beak, and told the little golden girl it was for her. She gobbled it up, and thanked him. He was very pleased at the attention, and went looking for more bugs. He was having trouble finding bugs, so he ran off by the fence and picked a few very tiny flowers for her. The biggest little rooster knew that ladies just love flowers.
The wandered around together for a while, then he just had to go pay some attention to his Ladies. The humanlady was outside, so why wasn’t she letting the Ladies out? He tried everything he could think of to get the humanlady to open the gate. He crowed. He ran up to her, and gave her the pathetic look. He even tried to tell her she was looking beautiful today. Nothing worked- she wouldn’t let the ladies out.
He mingled with the little flock. He noticed one missing, and went to find her to make sure she was all right. She was in the shed, getting ready to lay an egg. He stood guard for a while. Hen he realized she’d be fine without him, he ran off to find something interesting to do.
Today was a lot like yesterday. A rolling human coop brought 2 humans into the yard. Just as the biggest little rooster was thinking “ At least it isn’t the bantam human”, another rolling coop came in, and it was her. They all got in the green rolling coop and disappeared.
“HEY”, thought the biggest little rooster. “They forgot to let the Ladies out”!

Later, when the human coop came rolling back, the humanlady did go back and let the Ladies out. All the company left, and the humans went inside. So, guess what the biggest little rooster did? Yes, he took the Ladies on an adventure.
They had not even gotten to the 5th left-hand neighbors house yet when he saw the humanlady. He was so proud of his Ladies. Two of them pretended to follow the humanlady, but ducked into the fenced neighbors yard. The biggest little rooster laughed when he saw the humanlady carrying one chicken, and chasing after the other. As she was crossing the neighbor’s driveway, their rolling human coop appeared. He figured it was about time the humanlady met the neighbors.
The humanlady carried the one chicken away, came back, picked up another, and carried it away. When she returned, she had treats.
Now, everyone thinks chickens are stupid. A lot of times they act stupid, but the reason behind their stupid act is they are very intelligent. But they have, for the most part, the memory of a 101-year-old Alzheimer patient. The smart part of his little chicken brain told the biggest little rooster that the treats were a trick to ruin his picnic adventure. But the not so smart part said “ oh Looky! Treats!” He followed the treats until they got into the older neighbors yard. Then his little flock noticed treats and came running.
The biggest little rooster had to guard the treats. He wouldn’t let the medium sized rooster have any. While the two roosters distracted the humanlady, the other two ladies snuck away. Out of treats, the humanlady gave up and went inside.
The biggest little rooster took that as a good sign. He decided to go back to the 5th left-hand neighbors yard. He realized he couldn’t go, though. Two of the Ladies were locked up. He couldn’t go on an adventure with only half of his little harem. Oh, he was so confused. Why did that humanlady have to ruin everything?

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